Chapter 43: The School Festival Contest Preparation

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Dear Giyumi

I know this is unexpected but I have to resign myself as the Student Council President of Winter Rose Academy, which means you'll take my position and take responsibilities for School Events, Clubs, and other possible things that should be organized. Also, I'm breaking up with you as my girlfriend. But, we could be best friends instead. I wanted to call you a dude because every time I look at you, you always make me remember the fun times I had with your twin brother. The reason why I broke up with you is that Noel can't forget the times she spent with your twin brother too as her girlfriend. Please understand and forgive me for what I've done. But I know that you'll find someone more special than me since you're talented in Singing and using an instrument. The Big Three are with me and going to transfer school from a different country since Japan is under chaos and we couldn't take it anymore. Even though we have our own abilities it's not enough to halt our enemies. We'll be back in Japan as soon as the chaos there is over. Stay safe as always and please, don't die like your brother too since you're such a precious person to everyone.

After a week had passed we went back to school as usual. Since I'm now the Student Council President I have to work twice harder. Oh boy, I wonder what events I should be planning.

After reading the letter Ms.Mizune gave me the other day I feel so sad. But at the same time, I feel motivated, satisfied, and happy. I know it's my fault for leaving Noel just like that, so it'd be wise for Fujine to have her instead. Also, he wanted to call me a dude despite being a girl? Oh come on, that's hilarious.

After walking around the hallways, monitoring each classroom I saw Ms.Mizune across the hallway, holding a book. When she saw me I slowly approached her.

"Well, how are things going with you Giyumi-san? Do you feel better? Do you want me to escort you going to Principal Naruse so you could tell her how you feel?" (Mizune)

"Ms.Mizune slow down, I'm alright! I'll just talk it out with her later at lunch." (Giyumi)

"I see. Alright then! I better be heading to my class and you should return to your class as well." (Mizune)

I nodded in response and went back to my classroom. After I slid the door open I directly went to my chair and sat down with a sigh.

"Fufu, how's everything going, Ms.Student Council President?" (Kuruna)

Kuruna grinned and smirked at me at the same time. As a response to that, I gave her a disappointing look.

"Don't even expect it to be that easy running this position Kuu-chan! Please, don't even lay a weight on my chest on this very fine day! I'm already doing my best to maintain my position by focusing on my studies." (Giyumi)

"Of course I won't silly! As your dearest friend, I'll always be there to help you whenever you need a hand. Well, not only me. Even Atsu-chan and Mii-chan are going to lend you a hand as well." (Kuruna)

It was just 7:40 and there are still 20 Minutes left before it starts. So I sighed and faced my chair towards Kuruna's seat.

"I have a brilliant idea. You'll be the Auditor of the Student Council President while Atsuni will be my secretary. The Vice President of the Student Councill will be him already since he has very good scores on every exam he took." (Giyumi)

"Oh! The person you helped when he was getting bullied the other month right? I see." (Kuruna)

"My, my. What have we missed? Sorry if we came in just now. Traffic sucks a lot you know? I feel you now!" (Atsuni)

A Male Who Resurrected and turned into a GirlWhere stories live. Discover now