Chapter 38: Escape from Hokkaido & Sacrifice (The Onazuki's Backstory Part 2)

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The skies were red as blood, thunder wildly roaring, the sound of the alarm was loudly ringing and all of the people here including us were finally evacuating. The grounds were left burning from the chaos that already begun.

We were all on the run and it's time for us to escape here in Hokkaido and live a new life in Tokyo. Even though the grounds were shaking we kept our balance so we won't trip while running. Thanks to Hina's time stop ability we were 10km away from Hokkaido along with our parents and other people who were working and living there.

We found an abandoned building and quickly went in so the forgotten one won't spot us. When we gazed quickly outside we still saw a couple of people running away then afterward we saw them get fried up by a laser that came from the sky, which made us all gossiped.

"Thank God we found this place. If we haven't then we would've been toasted there by the laser. Anyways, we'll stay here until the forgotten one's observers return to Hokkaido. If any of those observers spot us the forgotten one will launch her attack from above." (Ayano)

"I know it's hard for us to believe that all of you girls are pregnant and we understand. We'll do our best along with Hina and Usagigoke to protect you from harm. As we've told you before, if we won't be able to take down the forgotten one it's your turn to raise your own family and train your own kids how to use their ability wisely. Once you've done that deal first with the infestation." (Hayori)

"Dealing first with the infested is important. Of course, most of you already heard what sort of virus they hold right? If you don't deal with them first then one of you might stumble into one of them and get infested, and you'll have a hard time controlling yourself from slaughtering innocent people." (Asuka)

"And lastly, once you've successfully made it Tokyo I want all of you to make your own business. Like run your own restaurant, run a company, or perhaps recruit a couple of people and train them to be soldiers. It would be better this way since this is how we've dealt with our lives before. A lot of conflicts had been recently occurring in other cities, not only Hokkaido." (Kiyoshi)

After hearing out my Oka-san including the other parents of my best friends we gazed at each other with worried visage. I deeply sighed and approached my mother while looking down and slowly gazed at her.

"Why? Why would you sacrifice yourselves instead of running away with us, along with your precious sons and daughters?" (Hiyoko)

Oka-san happily sighed and sat down so we could talk at the same height level.

"Listen, Hiyoko. If we run away with you the forgotten ones troops will track us down and end our lives along with you. That's why we have to sacrifice ourselves for you to escape unharmed." (Asuka)

Afterward, she gave me a smooch on the cheek and stood up again. She ordered the parents of my best friends to move out quickly and arm themselves along with Hina and Usagigoke. When I and my best friends were only the ones left we faced each other with a sigh.

"I guess this is it. It's for us to leave and kiss goodbye to Hokkaido. Once we separate ways we have to continue working until we open our own business. Like what our parents said 'We have to study hard and find stable jobs before starting your own business'." (Tohomi)

All of us nodded in response then we formed a circle and placed our hands on top of each other.

"I want all of you to promise something. Promise that we'll reunite if the forgotten ones make her move already in Tokyo along with the Infested. Call forth the Spirits who we were with, and survive the chaos that will happen in the future." (Chiyomi)

"We promise." (All except Chiyomi)

As soon as we've made our promise we quickly headed. Our parents were waiting for us, while Hina and Usagigoke were behind them ready to build their defense for us. After a few moments, the alarm had been raised and we started running. Usagoke turned Gigantic Monster.

"Zarachiel! The End of Time." (Hina)

When Hina used her angel time had gone to a stop. 5 Minutes had passed and time suddenly was moving again and we kept running. Our parents were not by our side anymore. We teared up a bit after hearing a loud explosion 4 km away behind us, I guess sacrifices are made to save others, this is crazy.

After several minutes of running, we finally made it to Tokyo. We quickly went in and caught our breath for a moment and sat down on a nearby bench and drank soda. We were all safe now thanks to our parent's sacrifices, thank you very much for spending time with us and we'll make sure to visit Hokkaido once we have our own family.

"So, since we've successfully escaped from Hokkaido what shall we do now?" (Yuzu)

"Start by finding a new place to live of course. All of you must know that the first thing to do after you arrive in a city is to find a place to live, which was already done by your parents yesterday. All we have to do is wait for a person named Hisagi." (Usagoke)

Then we saw a girl approaching us, wearing a maid outfit. As soon as she made it she held her skirt and bowed.

"Greetings to all of you, I'm Hisagi. It's a pleasure to meet you all on this fine afternoon." (Hisagi)

We all stood up and bowed back.

"So, I assume that you'll be bringing us where we're going to live from now on am I correct?" (Tohomi)

"Precisely, if you'll excuse me I shall lead you where you're going to stay pair by pair." (Hisagi)

We all nodded and waited for our turns. As soon as I was the only one left along with him Hisagi lead us to our own home. It was no ordinary house, it was surprisingly a mansion.

"Welp, you can call me anytime if there are any issues you can't fix. Besides, I'm on standby and I just roam around the city." (Hisagi)

Both of us thanked her and explored around the mansion. It was quite big and filled with very expensive antiques.

As years passed by I was able to finish studying along with my friends. We got pregnant and had our own children with our boyfriends, who are now our husbands. We took care of our children until they've grown up. Since they're independent enough I started my own business plan.

~ After 10 Years ~ (Present Time)

It was afternoon and I just finished working. I went to the parking lot and went in my car as I drove going back home. When I peeked in front while driving there were a lot of people walking around restaurants and gift shops. I guess they're on sale today so I decided to park my car in a nearby restaurant.

As soon as I went inside I saw Tohomi along with her daughter buying something. I sneaked behind Tohomi and scared her, which made her jump in surprise. Thus, I let out a small laugh." Oh! Hey there Hiyoko! Jesus! Don't scare me like that. You almost gave me a heart attack!" (Tohomi)

"Sorry, anyways I'm just here to grab food since they're on discount today. And I don't want to miss it." (Hiyoko)

"Oka-san, who's that?" (Girl)

"Hiyoko meet my daughter Honeko." *Faces at Honeko* "She's one of my best friends ever since we were still in elementary along with the others. If it wasn't for them then I'd be a loner forever." (Tohomi)

I chuckled at Tohomi's last statement and Honeko giggled in response.

After we bought our food we went outside and separated ways in the parking lot. I went into my vehicle and gently closed the door as I started the engine and drove going back home. As soon as I made it I parked the car and turned off the engine.

I grabbed my car key and exited the vehicle. I slowly opened the door to my house and looked around. When I gazed down I only saw 1 pair of shoes, guess one of them is back." I'm back!" (Hiyoko)

As soon as I went to the living room and placed down my bag I heard footsteps coming from the bedroom stairway.

"Welcome back home Oka-san!" (Ahiko)

"Thanks, anyways want to eat first? I bought some food from a restaurant since they were on sale. You know me, I always but lots of food or things when people go on sale, which you'll also be experiencing when you're already a mother in the future." (Hiyoko)

"I think I heard that discounts are where they lower their original prices in a limited time right?" (Ahiko)

"Exactly, you should try it too when you're in High School. I'm sure you'll love it. Also, I have something to do upstairs for a bit." (Hiyoko)

Akiho nodded and went to the kitchen while I went to my bedroom. I called Yuzu and sighed deeply.

"Well, what's up Hiyoko? It's been quite a while since we've called and seen each other. So, should we entrust this organization to our daughters? Since we're going to be busy for work we won't be able to focus that much on secret raids and robberies." (Yuzu)

"I have no other choice. We should keep this a secret from our husbands. Otherwise, they'll be angry and beat us up. I don't want that to happen." (Hiyoko)

"You're right. It's best if we don't blab about it. Anyways, we'll call Tohomi and Chiyomi later. Now that everything's settled I guess I have to hang up before I get caught. I'll see you later." (Yuzu)

I evilly snickered and gazed on the floor. I guess this fight will never be over.


I widened my eyes at the end of the video and slowly turned my gaze at Akiho Onee-chan. She was speechless the moment Onii-chan and I laid eyes on her.

"Onee-chan, you're going to have to have to explain yourself along with Kanade, Honeko, and Her-Nee-san." (Kuruna)

Akiho deeply sighed and looked down, speechless. Then she thought for a moment and spoke."I'm terribly sorry. But I'll make sure to explain myself along with Honeko, Kanade, and Her" (Akiho)

After that, we cleaned up everything and kept all the CD's that we've watched.

I guess everything's clear on how this chaos in Japan started. How the infestation existed and why our parents decided to live here in Tokyo.

A Male Who Resurrected and turned into a GirlWhere stories live. Discover now