Angels, Abilities, and Angel Abilities

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1. Giyumi Kuwanari (Akane Jun)
Angel: Uriel

a.) Death Smooch
- Once she kisses one of her foes on the lips they'll be dying slowly, making them unable to breathe and giving them a tense heart attack.

b.) Demonic Glare
- Her eyes will turn to pure red. Once she glared at anyone while this ability is active it will drop her foes damage by 50% and has a 15% chance of paralyzing them.

A.) Fuego del Diablo
- Giyumi releases a very strong purple flame after she strums her guitar wildly. She can do different attacks depending on the notes she's hitting. If she frequently hits the E pitch she has a high possibility of burning someone.

B.) Rompe Huesos
- She strengthens her guitar like a war hammer, turning its whole body into steel. Once it hits her foes successfully it'll make their whole body numb and stun them for 10 seconds.

2.) Ishimine Mizune
Angel: Jophiel

a.) Phantom of the Opera
- She'll be summoning battalions of soldiers. Consisting of Swordsmen, Sharpshooters, and Mages.

a.) Helden
- She hits a high pitch of a note, severely damaging a horde or army of units with her voice.

b.) Soprano
- Makes everybody drowsy within a certain range. If they hold back they'll fall asleep, but if they struggle to fight on their movent speed will decrease by 45%

c.) Lyrico Spinto
- Aggressively blows her enemies away by 2 km

d.) Contralto
- She'll automatically use this ability when she's deeply furious, making her take possession of everyone in the entire city, including Spirits.

3. Lentibularia Usagigoke
Angel: Zackiel

a.) Rocket Punch
- Usagigoke releases Usagoke like a rocket blasting off to space. Once that's done Usagoke delivers a massive blow to her enemies.

b.) Carrot Missles
- Usagigoke summons 15-25 Missles made out of carrot and hits her target.

a.) Rüstung
- Makes Usagoke transforms into armor for Usagigoke, protecting her from Physical Damage by 65% and Magic by 40%. While she's also wearing this armor her damage increases by 30%

b) Forage Furneste
- Usagoke transforms into a huge rabbit while still in Usagigoke's grasp. She starts spinning around rapidly once she had been pointed to her target. Once Usagigoke releases Usagoke from her grasp Usagoke will drill down anyone on the ground or mid-air.

c.) Niegiereh
- If she's about to get hit by a powerful attack or magic she'll cancel the damage

4.  Kishige Himezu
Angel: Raguel

a.) Shadow Bolt
- She summons a Shadow Ball and hits her foes with it. 15% chance of lowering their defenses by 25% when they continuously get hit.

a.) Jucio Divino
- Blasts a Holy Light towards her foes coming from the sky. Bringing heavy damage for 7 seconds. If one was able to withstand this attack all their stats will drop to 40%

b.) Arpa
- Increases the damage of her allies by 50% for 30 Seconds and replenishes their health by 10%

c.) Drenaje de Vida
- Send her scarf flying towards her foe. After that her scarf will wrap around the body of her foe and squeezes itself, tightly constricting them. After 10 Seconds it'll fly back to Himezu's neck, fully replenishing her health.

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