Chapter 41: A Girl's Menstruation

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Several days had passed and it was peaceful again. Now I need to seek are my comrade's in arms or should I say other spirits.

As I woke up from my beg I groaned and held my stomach since it was painful. Don't even tell me that it's because of the Mapoo Tofu I ate yesterday.

I quickly got up from the bed and ran going towards the bathroom and since I wasn't looking where I was going I stepped on a wet rug in front of the bathroom and slipped going inside, bumping my head into the wall, which hurts.

As soon as I sat on the Toilet Bowl I pulled down my panties. The moment I saw the lower half of it I saw...

"Blood? I-" (Giyumi)

I was speechless for a moment. This was the only part I forgot that happens to girls too. I covered my mouth as I prevented myself from screaming in terror.
(Kishige's POV)

"What a surprise, Giyumi's period just started this month. I can't believe it." (Honeko)

"You're absolutely right Honeko. Kishige-san can you check on Giyumi?" (Tohomi)

I saluted before going to Giyumi's bedroom.

The moment I opened the door to the second floor I saw small trails of blood on the floor. It made me panic as I followed where it was going. It led me to the bathroom and I kicked down the door with all my strength, and now my leg hurts, damn.

As soon as I quickly peeked inside I saw Giyumi, who was very shocked as she saw the blood on her hands and afterward she lost consciousness. I carried her quickly to the bedroom and changed her entire clothing.

I removed my scarf and placed it on the table. I deeply sighed and crossed my legs. Them Honeko Onee-san came in afterward and gazed ag Giyumi. Then, she turned her gaze at me." Where's your Oka-san?" (Himezu)

"She was urgently needed at work. I guess my Imouto's menstruation was a bit tenser than mine. I can't believe it." (Honeko)

"I'm scared since mine hasn't yet begun." (Himezu)

I slowly gazed at the floor and thought for a moment. Ever since Gomei had been accidentally turned into a girl Tohomi had been going through with her past and the witches that had betrayed her team.

While Giyumi was still unconscious Honeko Onee-san went downstairs to prepare something. I stayed beside Giyumi and waited for her to wake up.
"Hey, have you heard Hayami?"

"Heard about what, Chise?" (Hayami)

He deeply giggled evilly and spoke.

"The ones causing chaos is no other than the witch rebels." (Chisa)

Both of them watched as the entire city burns into ashes while standing on top of a mountain.

"Awww, I thought they were people who are friendly." (Hayami)

"They aren't, since they involve in dark magic, weird alchemy, and others." (Chise)

Hayami snickered and chuckled evilly.

"That's true alright. Say who is he?" (Hayami)

Hayami pointed at some unknown shadow with a figure of a young male.


I gossiped and woke up from my slumber. After I did I still felt a slight pain within my body.

When I gazed down I was wearing the clothing of a patient, the ones they wear in a hospital when they're being operated on or something. I saw Kishige and quickly handed me a bowl of Miso soup.

"I never had thought you'd experienced that during this conflict. That sucks." (Himezu)

"I know Kishige-chan, it sucks a lot." (Giyumi)

I slowly sipped the Soup using a spoon Kishige handed me and slowly sighed.

"If it's still painful let me know. I'll be handing you painkillers so you won't feel uneasy when you're walking. Speaking of walking you need to wear this from now on." (Himezu)

Is that what I think it is? I enjoy being a girl then this nonsense hell of menstruation? I take back what I said about being an awesome girl. I closed my eyes for a bit and screamed inside my mind.


After several minutes had passed I was able to walk again. I went into the bathroom and placed the pad, oof it's so stiff, no wonder why Onee-chan hated wearing this at first.

As soon as I came out from my bathroom Kishige smiled at me then grinned afterward.

"I hate period you know? Now I know how it feels if a girl has one." (Giyumi)

"Yep. Since you're still fighting over the pain I'm afraid that I have to temporarily refuse you from using your magic and angel most especially." (Himezu)

I sighed and nodded in response. Still, curse it! Why do I have to experience this, most especially that conflicts are happening here in Japan?

As soon as we went downstairs we saw someone talking to Hisagi. It was Uagigoke! Even though it was her it was just a hologram of her.

"It's great to see you again, Commander Kishige Miku Himezu." (Usagoke)

"Great to see you too as well Usagigoke. Any news or updates about Yokohama and Hokkaido?" (Himezu)

"Remember the incident that occurred in Hokkaido a month ago? Well, there were lots of survivors and the majority of them are young witches, demons, and vampires. The rest is ashes. 15 Witches, 10 Demons, and 5 Vampires. Hanabi is lurking around here so everything's okay. I'm taking care of the children." (Usagigoke)

"And what about Yokohama?" (Himezu)

"That's where the bad news is. The Rebel Witches have taken all civilians hostages and some were used as their sacrifice. It seems like Yokohama is under their control." (Usagigoke)

Kishige held her head and deeply sighed as she heard that Yokohama was taken over by the Rebel Witches. I guess the forgotten one was right, she wasn't planning any destruction here in Japan. She was only under the rebel witches' control.

"Also, I have better news for you. Giyumi's Obaa-sama and Ojii-chan are still alive. Pretty good eh?" (Usagoke)

"Wait, alive? How in the --" (Himezu)

I was shocked as well after hearing that news. How are they still alive when they were already shot by that beam in the sky? I know I saw that on the video.

"How you ask? Simple. The Forgotten One's Onee-chan was able to recall all of them before the beam from the sky blasted towards the ground. Right now they're in the castle." (Usagoke)

Kishige thought for a moment and just nodded while she was holding her chin.

"I see. Thanks for the info Usagoke. Take of yourself as well and look after the young ones. Well, I'm young too so heh. Talk to you later." (Himezu)

As soon as Kishige finished interacting with Usagigoke the hologram vanished. Then, she gazed at Hisagi afterward.

"It seems like we're right Kishige. The rebel witches were responsible for causing the entire chaos. Some even brainwashed people like Izohara. What shall we do about this...Dire situation?" (Hisagi)

Kishige thought for a bit and scratched her head as she was a bit stressed about how they could take down the rebels with ease.

"First, we'll gather other spirits lurking around in here, of course, we'll look for them first. Second, once all the spirits are in we'll plan on re-capturing Yokohama by killing off the rebel witches in there. Lastly, figure out the mastermind behind this chaos." (Himezu)

"Sounds Interesting. Welp, I still have some work to do. Just be careful if you're planning to go to the castle. I'll see you again later." (Hisagi)

Hisagi gave a gentle nod with a gentle smile on her face before she stepped out of the Mansion and left. 

Wait, why did she leave me here. When I ran towards the door my stomach started to hurt again and I held it.

"Easy Ojou-sama, you can't go out. Your period isn't yet over. You need to stay here until it's over. " (Hisagi)

"Aww come on! Period Sucks! I never knew this would happen to me ever since I turned into a girl!" (Giyumi)

"Look former Gomei-sama, I don't wanna disappoint you but it has to happen. A Girl's daily life is much more difficult than men since they're the ones who make the ba-" (Hisagi)

"I know! You don't need to tell me that. You're making it worst. Ughhhh!" (Giyumi)

I began tearing up since I can't take this anymore. Hisagi-san held me from behind and comforted me. I guess I have to wait until she returns. 

Turns out that this day, was a big waste for me, just because of simple menstruation. I guess I understand now why girls are very sensitive during their period and not a single person must be near them especially guys.

A Male Who Resurrected and turned into a GirlWhere stories live. Discover now