Special Chapter (Part 2): Honeko's Ochlesis

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"Otou-san, Oka-san. W-Where are you?" *Sobs* (???)

At the New Year Festival, a little girl was being surrounded by crowds of people. 

Unable to resist the stares lurking around her. She started trembling in fear. 

Due to crowds of people wandering around her, she started choking. She was starting to lose her breath. 

For a Six-Year-Old, she can't escape from this sort of matter.

It feels like she was suffering Psionicly. From the hands of a foul Demon.


"Onee-chan? Onee-chan? Wake up! Wake up!" (Giyumi)

"H-Huh?" (Honeko)

"You fell asleep. Also, why are you crying all of a sudden?" (Giyumi)

When I touched my cheeks...it was wet. Otou-san slowed down in driving and asked me worriedly in a concerned tone while I was wiping my tears and catching my breath.

"Honeko, are you okay?" (Takemoru)

"Y-Yeah! It was just a bad dream." (Honeko)

Otou-san deeply sighed as he gazed back to the front.

"If it's your so-called Ochlesis then I'm just going to --" (Takemoru)


I suddenly shouted, which made Giyumi gossip and Otou-san sighed deeply. Giyumi had a troubled look on her face while she's glancing at me.

"It's okay Giyu. Nothing happened. I mean I just woke up so everything's a bit messed up." (Honeko)

Giyumi smiled and held my arm.

13 Years ago when I was 6 Years Old I was lost during the celebration of New Year at the Shrine within 5 straight hours causing me to feel dizzy and sick. I was losing my breath. Otou-san panicked when he saw my situation. He saw me trembling too while I was losing air.

From that day on I got Ochlesis.

Whenever I'm the crowds of people I start feeling pain right in my mind then down to my heart. It feels like it's trying to make me beg for death. Otou-san might've known what I dreamed about so he asked about that, which I don't want to remember.

13 Years had passed and still can't escape from that? Come on Honeko you're still weakling. You can't even stand up against it.

I thought to myself.

I stopped thinking as Giyu poked me several times beside me, causing me to look at her and averting my gaze on the window.

When I saw her she wasn't looking at me. She was looking outside full of joy and excitement and her mouth was even wide open.

"It's finally here!" (Giyumi)

We're getting near to Otou-san's company building. Those enormous and stunning buildings never ceased to amaze me so much. It's almost like you could work here for almost every day just to gain a huge amount of salary.

*Broughts out his Walkie Talkie* "Masari, prepare to open the gates. We're about to arrive." (Takemoru)

{Understood President} (Masari)

"Don't forget to clear the crowds. It must be cleared before I arrive." (Takemoru)

{It shall be done.} (Masari)

A Male Who Resurrected and turned into a GirlWhere stories live. Discover now