Chapter 7: Back to School

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"Welp looks like I have to wear this now." (Giyumi)

Standing in front of the mirror I was wearing Winter Rose Academy's Uniform (Which is the one I've worn on the day I've been resurrected after I woke up in the middle of the night)

I was wearing the usual White Polo Shirt with a Blue colored skirt. I was wearing a pink jacket on top of my Polo shirt and a red bow tie.

"Giyumi hurry up! We're going to be late!" (Honeko)

Onee-chan shouted from downstairs. Guess it's my first day going to school as a female. Fufu~ I'm sure lots of boys will go nuts and girls will go lovey-dovey after they see me. I just have to act cool a bit. Just a bit.

As soon as I was in front of the bedroom door I inhaled and exhaled for a moment with my right fist clenched. Viola gazed at me in her Animal Form.

"Cheer up Master. I'm sure everything's going to be fine. I know you looked cool ever since you started High School. But it's time to show your other you. A cool person like your old self." (Viola)

Viola's right. A girl's gotta do what a girl gotta do!

"Giyumi!!! Hurry up!!! What in the hell are you up to?" (Tohomi)

"N-NOTHING. I'm COMING! Take care Viola" (Giyumi)

"You too master." (Viola)

I ran out of the room quickly, went downstairs, and went outside the house.

*Sighs* "Finally. Tehehe. Also, what were you up to?" (Honeko)

"I-I was nervous for a moment." (Giyumi)

"Ohhh I see. Ja, shall we go?" (Tohomi)

"Wait, you're coming with us?" (Giyumi)

"Of course! I have to explain your conditions to Suzohoshi-san." (Tohomi)

"You mean Sensei?" (Giyumi)

"Yep. You're correct. It's not that you needed to know why. But, I have to." (Tohomi)

When the three of us walked going to the car I saw Ojii-chan. He was the one who always drives the car when Otou-san isn't around or if he's in a day off.

"Ohayogozaimas Ojii-chan." (Giyumi)

I gently bowed towards him with a gentle smile.

"Hai! Ohayogozaimas to you too Ojou-sama. It's my pleasure to you looking good and healthy again." (Grandpa)

"Aww Arigato." (Giyumi)

He then rubbed me in my head gently and I giggled.

We got into the car and Ojii-chan drove going to school.

"I can see that you're doing well Giyu-chan." (Honeko)

"And I should thank you for that Onee-chan. Without your so-called guidance, I would've gone this far with this 'Girls daily hygiene' thing." (Giyumi)

"Aww, thanks. But seriously. Do you think you could try entering the Basketball team with only boys in it? It's not like I'm judging your height. But, the moves you tried to practice. Do you still think you could handle the pressure?" (Honeko)

"Duh! Of course. I won't act girly once I'm in there. I will prove to them that I have similar moves from my old self. Which will make them go speechless." (Giyumi)

"True. But still. I really can't believe you could still manage to play your sport even though there are changes." (Honeko)

"I know right? And that's what you call 'Self-motivation'. No matter how hard the obstacle is you find a way to get through it. (Giyumi)

A Male Who Resurrected and turned into a GirlWhere stories live. Discover now