Chapter 37: The Infestation Discovery (The Onazuki's Backstory Part 1)

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~ After one year ~

A year had passed and the forgotten ones move will commence in a few days or months. That's what we're preparing for before Japan is history. With Hina and Usagigoke on our side, we'll have a little bit of advantage against it.

"Now that everything is in place, all we needed to do is trace if there are any other enemies that are lurking around. We don't want any of our undiscovered foes to interfere with our attack." (Hiyoko)

Right now all of us are discussing how we could survive against the forgotten one's invasion in Japan. This is the year that creature told us that it will obliterate Hokkaido. That's why our parents decided that we'll be moving to Tokyo as soon as possible since we told them about what's going to happen this year.

"Do you have enough strength to at least freeze time if ever we won't escape in time Hanabi?" (Yuzu)

"Well, Master you just call me Hina in short! Anyways, I could only freeze time for no more than 2 Minutes. So yeah, I have enough strength to do that." (Hina)

"What about you Usagoke, think you can fend off the enemy's attacks while we're escaping? We might not now they could send reinforcements once they figured out that they're getting outnumbered." (Yuzu)

"I could. But when I start distracting them ran as fast as you can. Otherwise, they'll figure out that you're using me as a shield or barrier and figure out a way how to capture you." (Usagoke)

"Excellent, now all we need to worry about are the creatures out there who are hiding. I believe there are still more races out there who are either willing to with or against us. We have to stay frosty and lookout for people who are acting suspiciously." (Chiyomi)

We all nodded in agreement and stood up. When I saw Hanabi she sighed depressingly and held her stomach. I quickly approached her and patted her head and she slightly purred."What's the matter Hina? Does your stomach hurt or something? Do you need any medicine?" (Hiyoko)

*Shakes her head* "I-I-I-It's not a stomachache...I'm pregnant." (Hina)

I widened my eyes and covered my mouth in complete shock. Damn, around this time? She's going to have a hard time using her abilities if she's pregnant. Yuzu and I will protect hee from being killed while we run away from Hokkaido. It'd be bad if we just let her baby get killed just like that.

"If you are then you'll have a hard time dealing with our foes. An also, you're putting your life on the line. To make sure it's fully secured I and your master will protect you from harm. All you needed to do is freeze time anyway." (Hiyoko)

She gazed at me with a very sad look in her eyes. Then, she slowly smiled and nodded. I kept patting her so she would feel better and not get frustrated. She held me close and nuzzled on my chest and face.

"I-I'll still do my best to protect you and the others without any harm. I swear." (Hina)

After our conversation, we stood up and separated ways. It was still morning so all of us decided to go to the park and take pictures there. I started scratching me head the moment everyone ran going in the park, man they're too hyped like monkeys.

As soon as I gazed where they all ran...really? Lining up just to get Ice Cream? Such a turnoff. I rolled my eyes and joined in the line. I hope this day won't be filled with arguments, intentions, and troublesome matters.

As soon as we're done eating our Ice Cream we kept walking around and took photos of places that were very interesting. As soon as we took enough shots we settled down for a bit and waited for time to pass by. When it's already afternoon we went to a nearby restaurant and ordered food.

We found a table big enough for the 10 of us and sat down. After another few minutes had passed by the food we ordered was served. We placed our hands together and said "Itidakimas" together and ate our food. Of course, some of us supported Usagigoke and Hina a bit since they're not yet familiar with the food that we're eating.

"So, where should we be going after we eat. We should try visiting the museum, go to a dangerous ride, or even ride on a merry go round!" (Tohomi)

"Toho-chan seriously? I mean those are all good but the merry go round? Can we ride that when our parents are present?" (Yuzu)

And we laughed together. After we finished eating we stepped outside the restaurant and looked around. Then, an alarm suddenly went off and we saw strange creatures shooting innocent people. What's worst is that they had tentacles around their bodies, which made us very shocked.

"Who are those people? Holy hell I haven't seen those types of creatures in our entire lives. But oh man, even though they look so disgusting they look cool!" (Chiyomi)

"Chiyomi stop admiring those unknown creatures. We need to slay them immediately come on!" (Tohomi)

All of us charged and slew them instantly with one hit. After killing them off Hanabi took a sample and kept it. We had more fun outside till sunset, and as we went home Hanabi did a quick research about the DNA Sample she collected from that unknown creature along with Usagigoke.

As I entered the room where Hanabi and Usagigoke were researching they quickly stood up upon noticing my presence. They deeply sighed and slowly gazed at me.

"Well, how did the research went? Were you able to spot what race are they from?" (Hiyoko)

"Well, we were able to successfully figure out what race they came from and who these creatures are." (Hina)

"They came from an alien race or something and these weird creatures with tentacles calls themselves 'Infested'. Technically, they hold some sort of virus called 'Infestation'. Those who get hit by that infestation you'll slowly suffocate and lose yourself. After a few seconds, tentacles will slowly grow out of your body and you'll permanently turn into a monster and be forced to slaughter everyone around you." (Usagoke)

"Not only your entire body will be infested but your brain as well. The infestation will be complete once it successfully infects everything inside your body. But while the process of the infestation is still ongoing there's still a chance to stop it using an antidote for curing viruses." (Usagigoke)

So those disgusting looking creatures are called 'Infested' huh? From the name itself, it already makes me want to puke, to be honest. Hopefully, we'll be able to dispatch them.

"I guess have fo deal with them first before we escape in Hokkaido. If we don't then one of us might get hit by that virus and we don't want that to happen, ever!" (Hina)

"Alright then. You two stay on standby while I and the others will start packing all our things. You two be my bodyguards, for now, just in case an infested tries breaking through in here it would be troublesome." (Yuzu)

Both of them nodded and gave a thumbs up. After I've left the room I went upstairs and went to my bedroom and lay down on my bed. I deeply sighed and gazed at the window. 

It was nighttime and I could see several stars twinkling above the sky. 

This is it, we're finally leaving Hokkaido soon and spend the rest of our future in Tokyo.

A Male Who Resurrected and turned into a GirlWhere stories live. Discover now