Special Chapter: Tsunoru's Secret Organization

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Tsunoru's POV

I sighed upon looking at my watch. It seems like my little sister is taking her lovely time hehe. 

After our subjugation, yesterday Giyumi and I started arguing with each other. She said that she wanted to go to other places. However, it was still unsafe. So there. After 2 MInutes she was already ready.

"Nii-chan? You ready?" (Giyumi)


I became speechless for a second. Giyumi was wearing a teal-colored glittered dress with gray colored short heels.

"I-Is something the matter?" (Giyumi)

"Ah! N-No. You look pretty." (Tsunoru)

Giyumi smiled. Afterward, Oka-san appeared and approached us.

"Ara~ You're finally prepared. Anyways, stay safe my precious little pumpkins." (Tohomi)

She kissed us in the head and left the house. 

Giyumi and I entered the car. I seated on the right side of the car since I'll be driving and Giyumi sat on the right side.

I started the car and started driving. I was enjoying the view while I was driving.

"Ne! Ne! Nii-chan. It kinda embarrasses me a bit. Like we're on a date or something. Pretty weird isn't it?" (Giyumi)

Giyumi looked down while twiddling her thumbs and moving her feet at the same time.

"True. But 16 isn't yet a legal age for you to get married! You have to at least wait for like 6-7 more years before you do. Otherwise, you would commit a serious crime." (Tsunoru)

"I know!" (Giyumi)


After several minutes

We've arrived at the mall. I parked my car in the parking lot and went inside the mall with Giyumi. It's sort of peaceful. Giyumi looked so calm. 

"Umm...Giyumi. Are you okay?" (Tsunoru)

"Nani? Oh! Hai! I'am ^^" (Giyumi)

"Good." (Tsunoru)

When we looked around there were lots of crowded people.

"Oof. Glad Honeko didn't tag along with us today right Giyu?" (Tsunoru)

"Y-Yeah. It's just going to be a headache." (Giyumi)

When we were bypassing by several people I heard them commenting: "Aren't they lovely?" "UwU,  that girl looks so beautiful and pretty. But, cute too." "I wish I had a little sister who looked like her too."

"Anyways! Wanna eat that so-called burger you were eager to try?" (Tsunoru)

"You mean the Wagyu Beef Hamburger with Gold dusted buns? HELL YES!!" (Giyumi)

Considering her *Clears throat* size, she'll be fine I guess. Besides, she was eager to try that burger since a month ago.

I have no choice but to give her whatever she wants.

After a few minutes we went inside a fast food restaurant and bought the burger I promised to Giyumi. She was happily eating it.

But, her mouth's such a mess. Since she wasn't aware I grabbed a tissue and reached for her mouth.

"Aww, Giyumi! You're such a mess!" (Tsunoru)

"Ah! G-Gomen Nii-chan." (Giyumi)

She was making weird faces when I was wiping her mouth heh.

A Male Who Resurrected and turned into a GirlWhere stories live. Discover now