Chapter 30: Burning Incident and the Infestation Apocalypse

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~ After 5 Days ~

Five days had passed and the construction was still ongoing. I'm sure it'll be finished by tomorrow since it's going to be the day before the apocalypse. We were still attending classes despite the situation we're having. But during P.E class we were training our abilities and having a workout in the Gym.

As for me, I was in the Gym sitting down. A towel was hanging around my nape as I lift two dumbbells at the same time, which caught the attention of most of the boys and some girls. It was slightly heavy but my body is getting used to it and sighed in relief.

"I never thought you were that strong Giyumi. It's like you've originated your strength and intellect from your twin brother." (Yusano)

I gave Yusano a serious smile without facing him as I kept lifting the dumbbells on both my hands at the same time and placed down the other one so I won't stutter while talking to him.

"Well, he's the one who pushed me to be like this. He kept punching me and doing different sorts of kicks when I try to give up easily and fail. The pain he had given me made me stronger." (Giyumi)

"Ouch, I see. Well, we have to get serious in the upcoming apocalypse the day after tomorrow." (Yusano)

"Precisely, this won't be some normal apocalypse like we do in video games. Instead, it's like causing chaos to the entire world itself, and I'm not even surprised." (Giyumi)

Afterward, it was lunchtime and I was eating with my best friends as usual, but with a dejected face.

"Onee-chan are you okay? You don't look so bright today." (Asugi)

"Yeah, you've been like this for the past 2 days and you haven't been able to interact with at least one of us and our schoolmates, except for the Student Council." (Kuruna)

"Well, Noel brought up a topic that made me remember something in the past. I can't believe it was triggered again, AGAIN. I already tried forgetting but what happened? It was triggered yet again!" (Giyumi)

All of them covered their mouth in response and gazed at each other for a bit and slowly returned their gaze towards me. 

"What kind of topic?" (Kuruna)

"C-Can I leave you guys for a moment. I need some time alone." (Giyumi)

I stood up as I left the table and headed going towards the rooftop.


(Asugi's POV)

"Asu-chan what's wrong with Giyumi? What's this 'made me remember something in the past' Giyu-chan's talking about?" (Mihari)

I know what happened in the past when I was still in the cryotube. She was talking about the death of her best friends back in Blossom Hill Academy, who got burned down due to an Arsonist's attack. Since they were very dear to her she couldn't withstand it.

For her to overcome it, she had to confine herself in the bedroom for at least 14 Days (2 Weeks) so she could overcome it and move on. But since Noel-senpai made her remember, which she just mentioned, I've got a bad feeling about this.

"Since Giyumi Onee-chan isn't here I guess I can tell you about that. Do you remember the news that an Arsonist had set a fire on Blossom Hill the other year? Well, her twin brother's best friends got burned in that fire. She was very upset that Gomei Onii-chan locked himself in the room for 2 Weeks straight." (Asugi)

The three of them covered their mouth in response to a surprising reaction.

"W-We've heard about that news the other year. I-I never thought that Gomei had lost his best friends in a wildfire. But, how's this situation related to Giyumi?" (Kuruna)

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