Chapter 40: The Rebel Witches

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It was the 3rd day of the Holiday and the situation that's happening around us was coming close. It's been verified that the little girl who got ran over by a car three months ago was no other than the Forgotten One itself. Now, all we need to do is to figure out her true name.

"Hey, Giyumi I've been hooking up a bit of info about the forgotten one. It's been confirmed that this creature is a female. Also, you got to see how it looks like as a human being." (Atsuni)

When Atsuni handed me her tablet I went to take a look at the Forgotten One's true appearance. Surprised to say that it was truly a girl.

"A maid outfit huh? It's like she's working at a castle or something. But this face, something tells me that I'm familiar with this person. But I just don't get the gist of this." (Giyumi)

"I know right. We have to keep collecting data about her. It might lead us to another direction." (Atsuni)

"I'll gladly help you with that if you don't mind." (Himezu)

Atsuni and I were surprised when Kishige just suddenly showed herself out of nowhere. When Atsuni saw what we're doing on the tablet she grabbed from my grasp and looked carefully." You wanna know who this is? It's Izohara Yashiro." (Himezu)

"Izohara? The famous Showa Idol? Who's also working as a maid in a castle along with the Prince and Princess?" (Giyumi)

Oh my god, I've realized just now. That girl who I tried to save back then was an Idol huh? I guess I've regretted that a lot, most especially that she has over more than a million fans." I-Izohara-san? But I thought she died from getting hit by a truck!" (Atsuni)

"The news that people are spreading is fake. They didn't know that she has magic like Giyumi, so let's say the car crash didn't take over her life." (Himezu)

"I see, so where could we find her?" (Atsuni)-----------------------------------Atsuni, Himezu, and I headed to a Cafe since that's the place where Izohara was working. I also can't believe that she manages that place as well. Oh, I'm so looking forward to opening a conversation with her while drinking coffee.

As soon as we've arrived at a cafe called "Xeno Cafe". Wow, sounds like a group of people owns this. We went inside and we were greeted by a maid. She held her skirt with both hands and bowed.

"Welcome masters. How may I help you today?" (Maid)

"I'm Kishige and I want to talk with your manager." (Himezu)

"Oh, Kishige-san! Of course, follow me." (Maid)

We followed the maid going to the second floor and into the kitchen. As we went inside the kitchen I saw the girl that we've been looking for. The moment she laid eyes on us she nodded and told us to follow her into the office. As soon as we got there we took our seats and she removed her contact lenses and sighed.

"I believe you three, especially Kishige, are here to discuss three things. First, the spread of news that I'm already dead, which was fake. Second, the incident that happened 12 Years ago in Hokkaido. Lastly, the mastermind behind this chaos." (Yashiro)

"Precisely! First, we want to know about the incident that happened 12 Years ago in Hokkaido." (Kishige)

"12 Years ago eh? Actually, from what I remember is that I was working in the castle late at night. Then, a visitor came, which was unexpected. That visitor was a witch. Unaware of what's about to happen the witch brainwashed me and I lost my vision. The moment I woke up from my slumber I saw the entire city of Hokkaido, burning to ashes. I tried controlling my own body. Unfortunately, I was being controlled by a spell or magic that I can't even Negate. I was transformed into a monster by a group of witches that calls themselves 'The Rebel Witches'. They used me like a puppet, dancing around in other people's palms. If I hadn't encounter that witch this wouldn't have happened." (Yashiro)

We all were in shock when Yashiro mentioned 'Rebel Witches'. Didn't know that such a group exists here in Japan. I think we've underestimated that the forgotten one, also known as Izohara, was behind this. Instead, she was controlled by this nasty group of witches.

"I see. Okay, now we want to know about the news -- the fake news about your death." (Himezu)

"Ah!" *Giggles* "That's my favorite part. During late at night, I was asked to sightsee someone. When I was on my way back to the castle I saw a car running towards me the moment I was crossing the road. Then, I was quickly pulled away by someone, a male with purple hair. He was tall and handsome, I thanked him for saving my life. The moment I continued crossing the road I got hit by a truck. My magic started fading as soon as I got hit. The purple-haired guy carried me quickly and went to the hospital. While I was being carried I felt my power slowly stabilizing. I was confined in the hospital for 3 months and there wasn't any single call from the castle. Then, when I listened to the news on the TV reporters were saying that I've died already from the car crash last night, which made me lose hope and decided not to return to the castle." (Yashiro)

"Wait, but I thought you were in the hospital! That purple-haired guy even took you there!" (Atsuni)

"I know this is quite insane, but the hospital room I'am in was in the basement. The door was completely bolted and shut with Iron bars. It seems like there were witches who were acting as Nurses and Doctors as I fell for their trap or something." (Yashiro)

Dang, so they were trying to keep her contained in that basement like a prisoner huh? This is getting interesting I could tell.

"Ans how did you manage to escape that room without alerting those witches who are acting like Nurses?" (Himezu)

"I made my body transparent for a few seconds and walked through the wall like I had the power of permeation or something but no. I'am a Spirit Demon." (Yashiro)

"Of course you are. And the last question? Who do you think is the mastermind behind everything in this chaos?" (Himezu)

"I'm afraid I don't have the answer yet. However, you can get clues once you're done dealing with the Infested. Another clue will be coming from my Onee-chan, the Princess of the Castle. That's all I could explain." (Yashiro)

"I see. But, are you willing to return to our team despite everything that had happened to you in the past until now?" (Himezu)

"Of course I'm. I haven't received yet a single word from the Devil Cat after these past years. I bet she's just lurking around in dark places. Also, how's the Hermit?" (Yashiro)

"Well, Demon Poltergeist. She's still checking the situation in both Yokohama and Hokkaido. There are still 6 of us Spirits that's lurking around Japan and we need to hurry before these rebel witches make their move." (Himezu)

I'm Ifrit, Atsuni's the nightmare, Himezu's the Hunter, Usagigoke's the Hermit, Hanabi's the Devil Cat and the forgotten one a.k.a Yashiro is the Demon Poltergeist. Looks like the remaining 4 Spirits is still unidentified, and that's what we have to do next.

"I see. Welp, we have to call the other spirits as well. However, your task is to unmask the 4 other spirits, who are still left unidentified. It might be one of your Onee-chan or Onii-chan, just go check on them. I'm not even sure if one of them are spirits. I'm just saying." (Yashiro)

All of us stood up and stretched for a bit. That was one long conversation I gotta say. As soon as we ended our conversation Izohara-san treated us Cream Puffs, Parfait, and a Blueberry Cheesecake. Man, they tasted so good it feels like the sweetness is going to kill me. After we were done eating we stood up with a happy sigh and gave Izohara-san a slight nod, thanking her for the food.

"If there's any trouble you can't deal with you can always call me. Besides, I'm all ears in the entire country of Japan." (Yashiro)

"Well thanks again Izohara-san. Maybe We'll just call you Ya-chan." (Atsuni)

*Blushes a bit* "Ara, that sounds so sweet. Sure thing Atsu-chan, welp good luck you three." (Yashiro)

As time flies by Kishige and I separated ways with Atsuni and went back to the mansion and rested for a bit. Onee-chan and Onii-chan weren't yet home along with Oka-san and Otou-san. While they weren't yet here Kishige made some Takoyaki and both of us ate it together.

"Hopefully by tomorrow Usagigoke will tell us about the situation in Yokohama and Hokkaido. We have to know what's going on in there before we act. Otherwise, we'll just walk into the enemies' trap." (Himezu)

"Agreed. Just keep commanding the Battlecruiser. There might be hidden enemy ships lurking in the sky." (Giyumi)

After we were finished discussing all the plans we had our conversation, kept laughing at our jokes, and played some video games.


(End of Volume 4)

(A/N: The Battlecruiser isn't the Ship. It's a Battleship.)

A Male Who Resurrected and turned into a GirlWhere stories live. Discover now