Chapter 44: The Marionette

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The next morning I woke up and stretched. Damn, I should get out of bed before I get late for school.

When I gazed to my right I saw Ms.Mizune, who was under a blanket, FULLY NAKED? Oh my god, I literally blushed in response and started panicking a bit.

When she woke up she rubbed both her eyes and smiled at me.

"Good Morning Giyumi-san." (Mizune)

"W-Why are you still here? Why are you sleeping in my bedroom naked?" (Giyumi)

She giggled and sighed. Don't tell me that I'm still dreaming. Oh wait, I'm not dreaming because I JUST STRETCHED. OH BOY!

"Well, I don't want my beautiful clothing to get wrinkled. Besides, we're both girls." (Mizune)

I know we're both girls! Stop talking like that to a former male! It's making me blush a lot!

After Ms.Mizune wore her clothing both of us went downstairs and prepared breakfast together. I wonder what's up with Oka-san and Otou-san. They haven't returned for two days already.

"Also, your Oka-san and Otou-san will return after three days. Right now they're in the underworld, along with Chiyomi, Hiyoko, Yuzu, and their husbands too." (Mizune)

"The Underworld? What's their business in there? And who's running the Kuwanari Corps while Otou-san is gone?" (Giyumi)

"First of all, their business is Classified Information for now. I don't want to tell it to you yey. Second, the one running the Kuwanari Corps right now is his Vice Director. So, everything's stable." (Mizune)

"I see." (Giyumi)

No wonder why they're gone. I also want to visit the underworld! But not around this time yet, since the Infestation and Rebel Witches are still undefeated. I wonder how it looks like though.

It wasn't long until Onee-chan and Onii-chan were already awake and Mizune and I are finished preparing breakfast. We had Ramen, Miso Soup, Pork Cutlet, and Oyakodon. We happily ate together.


I never knew Ms. Mizune can drive a car, that's very surprising. As soon as we've made it to Winter Rose Academy Ms.Mizune dropped us off and waved goodbye to her before she drove back to the road.

Today, I'm excused from class. Since I have to assist the people who will be setting up the booths. I hope he will come today since he didn't show up yesterday. I also have to wait for Atsuni, Kuruna, and Mihari so they can start handing flyers to the people who will be entering our school later.

I headed straight to the Student Council Room and gazed around. If I was still a male I could do this. Now, I'll be breaking lots of sweat from doing all this task and work.

It wasn't long until Kuruna and Atsuni entered the room, I'm glad they're early.

"Alright, Giyu-chan. We'll start fixing the flyers and place them on top of the table near the school entrance. Of course, we'll place them in a container so it won't be blown away." (Atsuni)

"Okay. After that, Kuruna, you wait for the balloons by the gate. Once you've received them give them to the owners of the food stalls and booths." (Giyumi)

"You got it!" (Kuruna)

"You two move along. I'll be waiting for Mii-chan and him, so I could distribute their duties before I leave the Student Council Room." (Giyumi)

After Kuruna and Atsuni left the Student Council Room I saw on my chair and thought for a bit. A Spirit is lying around here somewhere I could feel it. I told Kuruna to get the balloons because she will be placing a small Spirit Detector Chip inside them. Of course, she'll use her magic to slip it in.

A Male Who Resurrected and turned into a GirlWhere stories live. Discover now