Chapter 12: The Housekeeper and the Ice Princess

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"Mmm...H-Huh?" (Giyumi)

Looks like I'm in my bedroom. Amazing. 

I rubbed my eyes and saw Viola sleeping beside me in her original cat form. She must've missed me. I gently rubbed her back as she was faintly snoring. I gazed at my clock on my desk. Eep!!!! It's 8 PM already! 

I got out of bed and looked down. I was wearing a White-colored dress. It must've been either Onee-chan or Oka-san.

Then, when I gazed at the side I saw a girl in pure-white hair with blue-colored eyes.

*Shivers* (Girl)

Wait a second. This girl --

(Flashback from Chapter 1)

"Wait, hold on!! Who are you?"

"Someone that you'll meet very soon and will be your best friend. Take care." (Little Girl)

(Flashback Over)

I-It's her. 

"Don't even pretend you don't know me!" (Giyumi)

*Stops shivering and sighed* "I knew that'd be your first reaction. Don't worry. I forgot all about it. All your secrets are s-safe with me." (Girl)

"Okay then. Can I ask who are you now?" (Giyumi)

"Okayyy. I'm Kishige Himezu. We meet again Giyumi." 

Kishige Himezu. 15 Years Old. Job: Unknown. Class: Glacier Princess 

(Her character appearance is just above 1st Pic)

I completely got up from my bed and stretched. 

I gazed at Himezu and patted her head. She closed her eyes, smiled, and giggled.

"So, what brings you here?" (Giyumi)

"Don't be too shocked. Hisagi is already here." (Himezu)

I became speechless for a moment. Then, I was suddenly in high spirits.

"Yahooooo!!! Finally --" (Giyumi)

Himezu suddenly cut my sentence.

"Shhh. Be quiet. It's still night time. Not day time." (Himezu)

"S-Sorry. A-Anyways how are you related to Hisagi-san?" (Giyumi)

"A-A-As you can see I-I-I'm actually her assistant. A-A-Actually my parents went to an f-f-f-far away country since they had to d-d-d-deal with something urgent. (HImezu)

Every time Himezu-san speaks she's like very cold or something. It's not even cold. Well, it might be her. 

I've noticed something. People sometimes act depending on the roles they have. So that means Himezu must be holding a role that makes her so cold even though it's hot. 

A Male Who Resurrected and turned into a GirlWhere stories live. Discover now