Chapter 14: The Seven Deadly Organizations

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Another Weekday morning. Upon entering the school building I saw people crowded. I wonder what's going on. When I got through the crowd I saw bullies. The bullies were picking on a 2nd Year Student Male. 

"Hey, Kid! Give us your lunch money!" (Bully)

"N-No! I don't want to!" (Male Student)

"OI! WHAT'S GOING ON?" (Giyumi)

As soon as I shouted the bullies glanced at me.

"Hey fellas! Look who we got today." (Bully #5)

I shivered for a bit. But then I realized something. I'm power stronger than any of them.

"Go easy on her. She's still small anyway." (Bully #2)

When I heard those sentences I started clenching my fist very hard and at the same time, darkness started lurking around my face.

When the 1st Bully punched me on the stomach everybody gossiped. But, it didn't send me flying.

"Wha ---" (Bully)

*Evilly chuckled and voice changes to an adult* "Well well. Mr.Bully. I think you just underestimated someone." (Giyumi)

I grabbed him by the front of his shirt and started lifting him. Causing him to choke. As a result, everybody was surprised.

"Since you've punched me I'll have to return the favor." (Giyumi)

I slid to going to the left and threw him on the ground. While he was on the ground I elbowed him on his chest intensely. Thus, he screamed in pain.

After he suffered I gazed at the other remaining bullies and tilted my head 45 Degrees and smiled.

"Ara~ Ara~. Does anyone else wanted to try?" (Giyumi)

They started shivering and ran away since they couldn't take it anymore.

The whole crowd was affected too. But, after I stopped ruminating darkness everybody applauded and cheered.


As soon as I went inside the classroom Kuruna and Mihari gazed at me with a satisfied look.

"Not bad Giyu-chan. Punishing people like them is the best!" (Kuruna)

"Agreed. More of them are occurring within this campus after Gomei passed away." (Mihari)

I knew something bad was going to happen here after my disappearance. Still, I have to take them out before the conflict within this campus spreads.

"Don't worry. I'll be dealing with them this time. If they try messing with my appearance I'll kick and punch the hell out of them twice as much. Much harder than my Onii-chan." (Giyumi)

"Wow! You sure are getting tough ever since he passed away." (Kuruna)

"I will do anything that I can to re-build his good reputation and performance. It must not go to waste." (Giyumi)

Then I started tearing a bit. Kuruna and Mihari started rubbing my back with ease.

*Starts crying* "I-I-I will do it. Everything for his sake." (Giyumi)

This is how I miss my old self. I cried since there were a couple of conflicts that appeared here in school when I died. I hate it so much.

"Shh. Don't worry. We'll help you out." (Kuruna)

"That's what friends are for right?" (Mihari)

I stopped crying and gazed at Mihari's bright little smile. I smiled back and wiped my tears.

A Male Who Resurrected and turned into a GirlWhere stories live. Discover now