Special Chapter (Part 1): My Hyperactive Sister

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Also, since this Novel is also a Romance I've got to put up kissing scenes in the future Chapters

Question: If it is a kissing scene why not turn your Novel to 'Mature'?

As you could see it doesn't affect the entire Novel itself. It will only happen rarely. Most especially grabbing the ........ of someone. I hope all of you understand. That's all and enjoy reading.


(Honeko's POV)

I hid under the morning sunlight that passed through the window into my room. I shut my eyes and curved into the bed until...


The door was fried open and Giyumi entered with a big fervor on her face. Then she started yowling, enough to make me cover my head with a pillow.

"Onee-chan. Get up! Get up! Today's the big day! The big day you hear? Ahhhhhhhhh!!!" (Giyumi)

Uuu..omg! Your scream is too loud. Give me at least 5 more minutes!


"Onee-chan get up! We're going to be late." (Giyumi)

"Giyu! Give ONee-chan at least one more minute..." (Honeko)

"Nuuuuuuuuuu!!!" (Giyumi)

Shaking my shoulders, removing the hair in front of my face, and slowly opening my eyelids. Finally, I couldn't take it anymore and get up from the bed with messy hair. When I gazed at Giyumi her hair was messed up as well. But, it's less messy compared to mine. Also, she's not yet ready for the trip pfft.

"Umm...You're not prepared at all you know? So go and get clean. I'll be waiting for you." (Honeko)

Suddenly, Giyumi grabbed my hand and ran downstairs.

"Ara Ara! Giyumi! Honeko! Don't run around in the house!" (Tohomi)

Oka-san scolded us from behind before we entered the bathroom. Geez.

"Here!" (Giyumi)

Giyumi handed me my toothbrush. Seriously?

*Deeply Sighs* "Giyu-chan. We're going to bathe anyways. So let's just --" (Honeko)

"Nope! No time for bathing. We have to leave asap." (Giyumi)

I will NEVER leave this house until I take a shower. What can I do? Aha!! Perfect. Tehehehehe.

"Let's just try bathing together. We might have enough time." (Honeko)

After hearing my words Giyumi finished brushing and slowly gazed at me with an awkward expression and with her mouth open. 

"O-Onee-chan? Y-You should go first. I will NOT bathe with you." (Giyumi)

"Come on! You're a girl already. Come on!" (Honeko)

"Ahh! Matte Matte MATTEEE!!!!" (Giyumi)

(After a few minutes)

When Giyumi was in the bathtub with me her back was facing me. She was too embarrassed to look at me. 

I don't really feel strange to bathe with her after all.

"Giyumi-chan?" (Honeko)

I tried calling her attention.

"L-Look. It's nothing okay?" (Giyumi)

She said as she was thinking of something.

"Hey, Giyumi! What's that?" (Honeko)

A Male Who Resurrected and turned into a GirlWhere stories live. Discover now