Chapter 35: The Hermit (The Fuchimo's Backstory Part 1)

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We paused the video that we were watching and grabbed more snacks to munch on.

"To think we're getting a bit close to the answer, where the infestation had begun. Also, that Forgotten One sure is a very interesting creature. I wonder if that thing is still present here in Japan."

Anasaki Sainuye.  Age: Unknown.  Student Council President of Blossom Hill Academy and a 3rd Year Student. Role: Neko Beast

"True that. Now, what we're about to witness are the two spirits. How will they deal with them?" 

Fuchimo Mazuki. 21 Years Old. Public Morals Committee Head at Bergamot Valley Academy and a 3rd Year Student. Role: Ice Queen

"I'm back with more snacks! Now, let's resume the video!"

Fuchimo Yuhira. 22 Years Old. Student Council Vice President at Bergamot Valley Academy and a 3rd Year. Role: Demon Sorcerer.


The third and fourth creature's had been finally uncovered. Although these aren't ordinary creatures, they're spirits. Spirits are very rare creatures that can only be seen here in Japan.

I dug up first the information about the spirit that's holding a rabbit hand puppet. The information about the humanoid cat has been left to Chiyomi. As soon as I was able to find the information on the computer I looked closely.

Usagigoke a.k.a, the Hermit. The Puppet's name is Usagoke. 30 Years Old. It made me surprised when I read her backstory. I guess she's a ventriloquist huh? We could be in trouble.

Then after a few hours, the rain suddenly poured down from the sky without any notice from the news. This day is getting a bit weird and odd, it must've been the creature that I'am onto right now who's causing this. I must know where it's staying right now.

I picked up my phone and called Chiyomi immediately.

"Yes Yuzu, is there anything you need from me or assist you in something? The rain's pouring down quite heavily." (Chiyomi)

"I've got some information for you. This rain is being caused by the creature you had me to investigate. I want you to meet me in the park at 1500." (Yuzu)

"Roger that I'll see you there! Be safe." (Chiyomi)

I deeply sighed after hanging up. I'm beginning to question myself, what's the goal of the forgotten one and why is it planning to obliterate Japan?

When it was 30 minutes before our meeting time I groomed myself and went downstairs. My Otou-san and Oka-san are at work in the underworld. But they told me just to be safe when I'm going to go out.

When I was at the park I saw Chiyomi at a nearby fountain, standing and waiting for me while holding her umbrella. I also held my umbrella after I went out of the house since the rain was getting a bit stronger. Without further ado, I approached her with a smile.

"Hey Yuzu nice timing! So, where should we start looking?" (Chiyomi)

"According to the information that I've gathered, this creature often plays her Temari. We have to listen to the bells of the Temari carefully and we'll be able to follow where the sound is coming from." (Yuzu)

"Sounds like a piece of cake I guess. It's a good thing the rain isn't pouring that hard. Come on, let's walk around and open our ears." (Chiyomi)

We had lots of fun when we walked around. We took several photos in each place, ate Takoyaki, and of course, we had our very first selfie together. Then when we heard ringing from the Temari ball in the North West direction we kept all our things and stood up quickly.

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