Chapter 6 (Part 1): The Mystic Regiments (Secret Group)

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Giyumi's POV

That's strange. Onii-chan's taking his time. Well, I was still happy that I got to eat what I wanted. Viola finished her cake too. 

"Oh! I have to recover my magic! I'll see you in the car Giyumi." (Viola)

"See you later I guess." (Giyumi)

Viola transformed back into her normal form and ran through the window.

"Yo! Isn't that the girl who was on TV yesterday? The secret daughter of the Kuwanari Family?" (Female)

"That girl made me sad. She looks adorable. Let's go get her boys" (Male)

Oh dang! Stranger Danger!!!!!!

What do I do? What do I do? I suddenly felt frustrated and all. I was so cool before. But now, I'm just making everyone's hearts beat a bit faster. I have no idea how to act since I'm a girl now. More importantly. I'm not prepared for this shiz!!!

I started trembling as I heard the footsteps getting closer.

Before they got near me the ground suddenly shook a bit and explosions were heard. It came from the 5th Floor. After the explosion, I can already hear gun firing. 


I suddenly heard someone shouting and running. Hold on just a sec. Regiments? Mystic Regiments people?

Tons of people were already running to the ground floor. Dang! I can't even find an opening. So what I did was to squeeze in and head to the elevator.


Luckily, no one was using the elevator since all of them were using the stairs, which is way more crowded. So I went in and headed straight for the 5th Floor. I pushed the button going there. 

The moment I stepped out of the elevator I saw several dead bodies. Gosh, I'd never thought this would happen.

"Gyahhh!!!" (Giyumi)

I shouted. I saw 2 People who flew towards the elevator. They seemed to be dead since I could see their wounds from their shoulders and legs. When I was still looking at their bodies I suddenly bumped against someone in front of me. I closed my eyes and shouted!

"Wahh! P-Please don't kill me. I'm innocent!" (Giyumi)

"Huh? Are you insane? I'm not a person who kills innocent people unlike him. (Tezume)

I opened my eyes a little bit. I saw a young girl who looked cute and a bit cool as well. She had white-colored hair and green colored eyes. She was wearing her pink faded colored jacket on top of her uniform. She had a skull-shaped locket hanging around her too. It was written 'Mystic Regiment Operative'. She continued talking.

"Anyways, what made you come up here on this Floor? Didn't you see that people are evacuating because of the situation going on in here? You might get yourself killed. Wait just a second. You're --" (Tezume)

"I-I-I-I was...I was just going..." (Giyumi)

She looked wounded from head to toe. But, the way she acted was still normal. That's weird.

"Forget what I said. You go to the parking lot outside. It's dangerous here right now. Once the gas tanks of the vehicles get shot at they'll explode." (Tezume)

I looked around. More dead bodies were surrounding both the Emergency Exit and Elevator.

"Hah! I should've thought twice before throwing those dead bodies there." (Tezume)

A Male Who Resurrected and turned into a GirlWhere stories live. Discover now