Chapter 25: The Unexpected Truth

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(Tsunoru's POV)

My little sister is growing up I'm so overjoyed! Anyways, she told me to secure the safety of the civilians here in Tokyo and keep an eye out for any infested creature and prevent them from entering this city.

"So this was your little sister's plan huh? She's smart unlike you, who fails a lot." (Tezume)

"Cut it out Tezume, I'm just frustrated." (Tsunoru)

"Whatever, anyways we have to secure every perimeter here in Tokyo and make sure the civilians are at a good state. They might be the carrier of the virus." (Tezume)

"Of course, Nashida is the defenses fully armed?" (Tsunoru)

"It's fully armed Tsunoru, Maederi and Azuchiro are working on the traps that can only be triggered by inhuman species." (Nashida)

"Excellent, all we have to do is get our job done and relax at a restaurant so we could take a break and prepare ourselves for anything." (Tsunoru)

Nashida and Tezume nodded in response and we resumed our work.


After several minutes we were deeply tired. We headed to a restaurant ordered before looking for a table.

"So, how's the investigation going?" (Tsunoru)

"We've already found out who's leading in one of the seven deadly criminal organization. The first one is the 'Nightmare Order', an organization where most members are involved in magic so we have to be careful." (Hidezo)

I saw Fuyuki widen his gaze when he was scrolling through his tablet since he was the one who's in charge of investigating the seven deadly criminal organizations. They're a pain in the ass and we can't face these infested without taking all these criminal organizations to hell.

"We've already Eradicated four of the criminal organizations which are the 'Brigade of Chrome', 'Crew of Phantoms', 'Dead Posse', and 'Force of the Serpent'. Dealing with them wasn't easy as I thought it would be." (Maederi)

"I agree with Maederi and now let's move on and kill whoever these people are under this organization. Dealing with Magic is tough so we have to be extra careful." (Nashida)

"Uhh...Y-Yeah I-I agree with that  ehehehe." (Fuyuki)

When Tezume suspected Fuyuki's frustration he leaned a bit close to him and gazed at what Fuyuki had searched about the 'Nightmare Order' and the members. Tezume quickly covered his mouth and slowly gazed at me. What's with their look on their faces?

"Tsunoru, we'll discuss this in private just you and me in the comfort room now." (Tezume)

Tezume stood up and grabbed my hand as he dragged me going the comfort room immediately. As soon as we got in the comfort room we stood at the corner face to face. 

"Why did you bring me here? Why make it private?" (Tsunoru)

"Quit your ranting and man up. I don't want you to overreact in front of everyone, about the members of the 'Nightmare Order'." (Tezume)

"Spill it already! --" (Tsunoru)

"THEIR LEADER IS YOUR LITTLE SISTER FOR CHRIST SAKE GOT IT?" *Tears up a bit* "It's Giyumi along with Kishige." *Sniffled* (Tezume)

I can't believe what I just heard, Giyumi is the mastermind of the 'Nightmare Order'? This has got to be a joke, there's no way she could be a member of this organization along with Kishige!

A Male Who Resurrected and turned into a GirlWhere stories live. Discover now