Chapter 6 (Part 2): Big Brother and Little Sister Conflict

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~ Later ~

"Okay. First and foremost Nii-chan. Why'd you keep it a secret from us?" (Giyumi)

"I told Otou-san though." (Tsunoru)

Let me get straight to the point of this situation!! If you figure out that your big brother is actually one of the top national security agents and a part of the famous ability wielding team. What would you do by then?

I won't believe him even though he's wearing some sort of UNiform and Kneeling in front of me with his hands together.

"I see. You told him. BUT YOU HAVEN'T ANSWERED MY QUESTION YET BAKA!!!" (Giyumi)

"B-B-B-B-Because it's a top-secret organization that could only allow 1 person who's close to you can only know it." (Tsunoru)

 "So instead of telling Oka-san, you told Otou-san?" (Giyumi)

"Yes!" (Tsunoru)

"Fufu! I wonder what'll happen if I tell her." (Giyumi)

"She'll let me wear a wig and a girls school uniform for a year." (Tsunoru)

"Oh!" *Sudden Realization* "Wait, whaaat???" (Giyumi)

Zion-san looked confused with Onii-chan's answer. Also, I've never realized that Tezume was actually a god damn boy! B-B-B-B-B-B-But. Tezume got the looks of a girl with no obvious marks! Weird day today.

"T-That would be very embarrassing. Alright fine. I'll accept your explanation." (Giyumi)

"Ahh!! My Imouto!" (Tsunoru)

Yep. Don't even think you can hug me after all of this mess. So before Onii-chan hugged me I kicked his thing straightly. He suddenly gave a very cold expression and fell to the ground groaning. Holding his thing.

"Oof. That's got to hurt." (Tezume)

"Ughhhh.................." (Tsunoru)

"The next time you do something like this again I'll punch you twice this time." (Giyumi)

Suddenly, Twilight-san stopped for a moment and gazed at his watch.

"Aww darn it. Welp looks like we have to go. The Masquerade Moonforce will do the cleaning here soon." (Tezume)


*K.O Baizo by kicking him in the face* "Shut up Ojii-san." (Tezume)

"Also Tsunoru. You can take your time. Besides, we can handle this without you." (Maederi)

"But..." (Tsunoru)

"Take your sister home. It's still sort of dangerous out there you know?" (Fuyuki)

"Yeah! Actually, about the incident yesterday. We've encountered weird Infested People." (Nashida)

I gossiped and continued listening.

"We tried taking a sample of their DNA. I think the ones who infested those people came from another race." (Nashida)

*Gets up and wipes his clothing* "Another race? That's impossible. Only humans are living here." (Tsunoru)

"Y-Yeah! How could an inhuman infiltrate our city like this?" (Giyumi)

"Simple! They're using some sort of Warping Panels for them to get through. It's only channeled by Spellcasters or Mages. That's why we'll do another investigation later." (Tezume)

After all of those explanations, the guy (Who's close to being handsome like me) from before came towards us and gently rubbed my head. He was wearing a Black Suit with a red Necktie.

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