Chapter 31: Love at First Sight (The Kuwanari's Backstory Part 1)

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Hi, my name's Akane Izumi a.k.a Tohomi Kuwanari and I'm 13 Years Old. I'm studying at the most prestigious school called 'Harui Academy'. I'm under the 5th Grade Section. Studying wasn't really that hard if you just focus on your studies that your teacher is giving you.

My Otou-san is working pretty hard right now just for me and my mother as well. I had no siblings at all. Just me, him and my mother. My mother is working in another country because that's where her job was. She'll be back as soon as she finishes her work and returns here in Japan. She's in America by the way.

 My Mom and Dad were very proud of me for being 1st from the 1st to the 4th Grade years ago. I was the most popular girl in my entire section as well.

I always hang out with my best friends during snack time and lunchtime and we always eat on the school's rooftop now and then. We always had a decent conversation. I wasn't the only popular student here but my best friends as well along with the boys from our section as well. They were handsome and their looks always get our attention.


It was another morning for school. I walked towards the school building with a normal look as usual. I entered the Grade 5 classroom and placed my bag on my chair and sat down with a sigh.

"Good Morning Toho-chan! Nice day we're having." 

Onazuki Hiyoko. 12 Years Old. Grade 5 Student and Top 4 in class. Role: Witch

"Good Morning Hiyo-chan and yes it's indeed a beautiful day." (Tohomi)

Then 2 more of my best friends came in. Thus, Hiyoko and I waved at them.

"Early as always Hiyo-chan and Toho-chan. Is this your daily routine from now on? I bet."

Yasuwara Chiyomi. 13 Years Old. Grade 5 Student Top 3 in class. Role: Sanguinarian

"Well, you're not wrong but yeah. It's our daily routine from now on. Ditching classes are only for losers." (Tohomi)

"You said that right. Anyone who tries ditching classes among us four will get some beating. Just Kidding ehehehe." 

Fuchimo Yuzu. 12 Years Old. Grade 5 Student Top 2 in class. Role: Witch Princess

"You're going too far with that Yuzu-chan. Lessen your violence. We're girls and not like our Onii-san's in the junior high." (Chiyomi)

"I'm just kidding! We're still kids anyway and we're still too young to have some beating." (Yuzu)

When the school bell rang we all went back to our seats and waited for our teacher to arrive.

After classes me and my friends headed to the cafeteria then suddenly we saw our schoolmates gathered around. There was a couple of high school boys who were trying to intimidate and hurt the Grade 6 males.

"Oh my god! What are they doing?"

"T-This is too much!"

"They're s-s-so scary! I don't like them."

"Punching a Grade Schooler is too much!"

I heard all those things from within the crowd. We should be respecting our Onee-san's and Onii-san's at the High School Level. But it seems like these group of boys doesn't care about beating up people who are younger than them, which is a hassle.

I gazed at Yuzu with a serious face. When she looked at me she nodded and clenched her fist on her right hand and punched it on the palm of her left hand and went through the crowd. 

When we've seen who they were trying to beat up it was a Grade 6 Male Student, who was being held by the front of his uniform by the bully. I cleared my throat loudly and as a result, the group of boys gazed at our directions.

A Male Who Resurrected and turned into a GirlWhere stories live. Discover now