Chapter 17: The Plan

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Smoke was coming out of my mouth upon panting. My body feels so hot when I'm hesitating. 

But when I look at him, it makes me want to get going.

"Haaah...Haaaah." (Giyumi)

"Do you want to get going?" (Tsunoru)

I clenched my fists held him tightly. My face was getting all red.


"I thought you were better than me playing basketball?" (Tsunoru)

I slightly sighed and faced him.

"Give me a break at least!" (Giyumi)

"Fine." (Tsunoru)

I sat down on a bench with my big brother and he wiped my sweat on my forehead.

After a few minutes had passed Honeko Nee-Chan came to check on us.

"My, my, you two were on fire. I guess Giyumi's skill in basketball is enhancing a bit. Speaking of enhancing why don't you go back to your teammates?" (Honeko)

"My basketball buddies? Would they even accept me knowing that I'm a girl?" (Giyumi)

"Girls can't even play basketball Giyumi. If you try showing them the same moves as you did before then they'll surely accept you. Plus, you might get back your MVP." (Honeko)

She's right, it took me months to train just to achieve that.

"I'll try." (Giyumi)

"That's my little sister." (Tsunoru)

Then Tsunoru rubbed my head a bit rough. 

Jeez, talk about cuteness, why are people get so excited when they see cute people huh? Mmm...they must be thinking deeply about something I'm not familiar with. Moving on.

So it was true, that those Infested came from a monstrous race, which people can't identify the name yet. If it keeps on raging throughout Japan I'm not sure where we'll go next.

Life is totally interesting. First, I was able to master the moves in basketball. Second, I was able to master my memorization by reading subject related books. And lastly, communicating with other people without tolerance. 

For now, Life as a little girl isn't my thing. Attracting people is okay but not weirdos.

Hanging out with my bro's was my thing. But ever since I had a change of Gender I started hanging out with the class representative, who actually hates me a lot when I was still a male and I have no idea why.

People have their own reasons why do they have to hate a person for instance. Without reason, hating people is sort of absurd am I right?

~ The next day ~

"So, how are we going to deal with this crisis?" (Mihari)

"To simply put it we must build hidden defenses at the entire school campus while the Infested isn't yet on the move." (Atsuni)

"Atsuni's got a point. We might hold our own Special Abilities but it has limits. Plus, we can't let those kids get in touch with those things! Otherwise, they'll end up like those creatures and we're going to take full responsibility for it." (Kuruna)

"Giyu-chan might have better abilities with his twin brother, but that doesn't mean she has to do all the work. We won't find any replacement for the Student Council Vice President if we lose her!" (Mihari)

"But seriously Mihari, why do you hate Gomei-san?" (Kuruna)

Mihari deeply sighed and gazed down.

"I'm just embarrassed okay? The way he interacts, the way he studies, he's better than me. When I look at him my heart starts throbbing. But ever since Noel of the Big Three showed herself to him I was too late." (MIhari)

"Don't worry Mii-Chan, I'm sure you find someone else, like the other Two Big Three." (Kuruna)

"I'll try then. Speaking of Big Three where's Giyumi?" (Atsuni)

*Shows up panting hard* "I-I made it on time!" (Giyumi)

"Woah, what the hell happened to you?" (Mihari)

"Traffic Issues!" (Giyumi)

*On their mind* "You should've woken up early." (Atsuni/Kuruna/Mihari)

"Now, where are we headed today?" (Giyumi)

"We're heading to the park. We have to fix our plan." (Atsuni)

I nodded as I have arrived, panting. Guess this is how it feels when you're in a rush.

So basically my friends and I are planning to set up defenses around this city and make sure that the defenses that we'll be setting up are hidden.

We may all have special abilities, but that doesn't mean it can last if we're using it. It has its own limits. 

As soon as we've arrived at the park we began planning what type of defense are we going to work on.

"Siege Breakers are good sort of defenses. It has a 2000-2500 Range towards enemies. But it can't fire when the enemies are in a range of 100-300. We should add Floor Traps." (MIhari)

"That's a brilliant idea!" (Giyumi)

After Kuruna and Atsuni agreed as well we started working on it. It took us 7-10 hours, which is such a hassle.

After we've done it we headed over to a cafe and took a break.

"That was very exhausting. Anyways, what's next?" (Atsuni)

All of us gazed at each other then went nearer with our heads to make sure no one is listening.

"After this, we should plan something. After all, our brothers and sisters don't know we're one of the seven criminal organizations." (Giyumi)

"Indeed, we have to keep it a secret. Giyu-chan, do you have the same mark as your twin brother?" (Kuruna)

Our organization is called "The Nightmare Order". We're members full of dark magic.

I pulled my sleeves and showed her my mark. 

"Of course I do." (Giyumi)

Mihari lightly bowed with a dark smile on her face.

"Great, our ritual will begin next week at 9 in the evening. Be sure to tell your parents that you'll be in a sleepover." (Mihari)

"We can do that." (Atsuni, Kuruna, Giyumi)

After that, we sit up straight again with normal looks.

"Hey Giyumi, do you play basketball like your brother as well?" (Kuruna)

"Yeah, why do you ask?" (Giyumi)

"Gomei-san's basketball buddies are in trouble. They still needed a member to replace Gomei's spot. Don't you want to take it for him?" (Atsuni)

"Girl are you mad? I'm a girl and those are boys. They're even taller than me. Besides, they're all boys." (Giyumi)

MIhari took a deep breath and deeply sighed.

"First of all girls can't play basketball. But, it depends on how their life is treated in sports. Second, height doesn't matter. It only depends on how you play it. Lastly, there is no basketball for girls. I've heard Honeko Nee-Chan that you're really good at playing. That's why I've asked." (Mihari)

Mihari explained and smiled.

Darn, you Onee-Chan, why do you have to spill the beans? And again with the 'Girls can't play basketball' thing. 

The only girls are good at playing are softball, baseball, volleyball, etc.

Still, I have to find the true meaning of this world.


A Male Who Resurrected and turned into a GirlWhere stories live. Discover now