Chapter 2: New Identity

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After 15 Minutes

I've woken up in the middle of the night. What happened again? Oh yes. I'm a sweet little girl now am I. Gosh darn it. Heh! Guess there's no helping it. I have to get used to being a girl from now on. When I looked down I wasn't in my Hospital clothing anymore. 

It was some sort of White Polo Shirt with Pink colored sweater and a red Bow Tie with a Blue colored skirt. this is how it feels when girls are wearing skirts. My hair was even fixed. The tie above my hair was some sort of white-colored clip that looked like the wings of a little Dragonfly.

"I wonder where my Onii-chan, Onee-chan, Oka-san, and Otou-san are." (Gomei)

I slowly got up from the bed and opened the bedroom door. There were still lights in the Kitchen. I saw my Otou-san and Oka-san talking to each other. My Onii-chan and Nee-chan were on the other side of the table, hearing out what Oka-san and Otou-san are talking about.

When I was already at the end of the stairs my Oka-san heard me.

"Ah, Gomei-san you're awake. Come here." (Mom)

She beckoned me to go to the KItchen and sit with them. I let out a sigh and started listening to what they're going to say.

"Since everybody knew that Gomei had already passed away from a heart attack then you shouldn't use that name anymore." (Dad)

I was expecting that answer. 

"So, we decided to give you another name. Since you're a girl I suggested the name 'Giyumi'. Okaa-san was enticed. Everyone else agreed so that'll be your new name." (Honeko)

Giyumi huh? Sounds cute. So I agreed to it as well. Since I have no other choices. Hating it was clearly out of the choice.

"Second, you're not allowed to leave the house. People might think you're some sort of person who doesn't belong in this city. Your Father will think of something." (Mom)

Yeah, that's true. Now that I can't go outside for now then I'll learn first the basics of how to shower and dress up as a girl. So I could at least lessen my stress and not complain a lot when my Oka-san tells me to change clothing.

"Alright, Oka-san." (Giyumi)

"Good Girl. If you'll excuse me your Father and I will take a nap already. You should do something before you take a nap since you already slept for a little while. Don't do anything reckless." (Mom)

I nodded in response. My Oka-san kissed me on the forehead. Same with my Onee-chan and Onii-chan then went to bed.

"L-Let me treat you like a kid Giyumi-chan." (Tsunoru)

"Ara ara~ Treat me like a what again?" (Giyumi)

I tilted my head and my face went completely dark. Onii-chan Tsunoru was shockingly scared. My Onee-chan too was affected.

"N-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-nothing Giyumi-chan." (Tsunoru)

Aww crap. What was I doing? I went to my Onee-chan who got scared and I rubbed her and embraced her.

"I-I'm sorry Honeko-chan. Forgive me." (Giyumi)

She gave a happy sigh and embraced me.

"It's fine Giyumi. I would've never thought you could do that. I was quite shocked for a moment there ehehe." (Honeko)

"Anyways. I'll be off to bed too. Good Night." (Tsunoru)

My Onii-chan Tsunoru slowly stood up and ran going towards the bedroom. I never thought I could do that sort of impression. That was an unexpected scene ehehe.

A Male Who Resurrected and turned into a GirlWhere stories live. Discover now