Chapter 1: The Past and Present

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My name is Gomei Kuwanari. 16 Years Old. I'm already the first-year student here in Winter Rose academy. 

My brother and sister also study here in this academy. Oh! Before I forget. The name of my brother is Tsunoru Kuwanari. The name of my sister is Honeko Kuwanari. 

Last Year when I was in my 6th Grade I perfected my exams, which makes me an honor student. Not only that but I received Ribbons from each subject as well. Hell yeah! To be honest, as a very popular guy males would keep supporting me and girls would fall for me. Most girls would be attractive to me if I didn't notice them or anything.

Ever since I've joined the Basketball club the boys were amazed at what I've got. The way I move, dribble, and shoot. Even the coach was impressed and told them that they've finally found a pro at basketball.

Tch! This was the time for me to show how I play basketball in my way. I'll show my brother that I could beat his 'best score in basketball'. Yeah! He bested me before, 10 TIMES IN A ROW!!!

My brother just graduated last year so I have no problems with him for now I guess. I became a popular student after 2 Months. Since I was popular I became the Student Council Vice President of this school. The Student Council President was a male as well and a genius like me too. He's in second-year high school though. 

If you're thinking that if I'm only popular in this school then the answer is no!. Why? That's because I came from different schools and I was popular there as well. It may be wonderful. But, when it comes to serious business people would get in your way. Haah! Guess this sort of matter won't end now, would it?

My brother's record in Basketball was 12 Wins in a row. But, if ever I win the next match it'll be 13 Wins in a row without losing. Yeah! I'll show him who's the pro, and who's better at basketball. Tch!!

Today is the day of the match and I'm starting to get nervous. My brother and I are always very competitive when it comes to outdoor matches. Most especially basketball.

Anyways, let's get back to the main topic.

When the match began I could hear most of the girls shouting. GOMEI-KUN WE LOVE YOU  or DO YOUR BEST GOMEI-KUN!. I would be pissed off at the first one. But the second one is okay. IT made me even more motivated and determined. 

After a few minutes, I was already heavily panting. My body is sweaty and I feel very thirsty. Just how many more minutes before the match ends? I quickly gazed at the board. Just two minutes left, thank god. I kept dribbling the ball. I jumped and did a perfect shot.


"and Gomei scored another point. Wonderful!! Now that the First Quarter is finished the results of the first match are 20:8. We'll start the Second Quarter after 25 MInutes." (Announcer)

I quickly rushed to the bench and trying to avoid the people around me to get some water. I quickly grabbed my water bottle. It was cold though hah! I quickly opened it and drank. After drinking my chest was aching. I held my chest as my consciousness was fading. Before it completely faded I saw most of the people running towards me. It hurts a lot. My body started becoming numb as I slowly fell onto the ground and finally Blacked out.


I opened my eyes slowly. My surroundings were surrounded by a mist. Did I just die from a Heartache? How was that even possible?

Suddenly, I saw a shadowy figure by the mist. After that shadowy figure left the mist it was the appearance of a little girl. Walking towards me with a pink-colored uniform, a red tie, and a blue skirt. After she approached me she smirked.

A Male Who Resurrected and turned into a GirlWhere stories live. Discover now