Chapter 11: Hangout

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It's a beautiful day outside. Birds are singing, flowers are blooming. Perfect weather to picture.

"Come on Kuwanari-san. It's already out turn." (Atsuni)

I nodded in response as we stood up together and started running.

After 2 Laps I was still running. How come I'm not tired yet? Weird. After I've bypassed the last lap without stopping I let out a very deep sigh.

As a result, everybody gossiped.

"Wow. Just look at her."

"Did she keep running without stopping?"

"Man, that's so awesome."

Those were the comments of my classmates.

"Not bad Giyumi-chan. What a turn of event." (Mihari)

"Yeah Yeah! I'm so envious." (Kuruna)

My friends supported me on the way how I ran. After resting I went to the water basin to splash my face with water. 

After rubbing my face I saw someone handing me out bottled water. It was Fujine-san.

"That was very amazing. I'm impressed." (Fujine)

I happily accepted the bottled water he gave me, opened it, and drank it. I tried catching my breath first before I speak.

"Yeah! Thanks for the support Fujine-san." (Giyumi)

"Anytime. It's funny you know. The way you interact and move at the same time is almost like you've learned it from your twin brother. You're kind like him. Helpful like him. And trustworthy like him. Even though you're a girl it seems like there were no changes at all. I feel like my sadness for him is already fading." (Fujine)

I continued listening to Fujine-san's explanation about the old me.

"Ever since I've met him he was very formal whenever he interacts with someone older than him. He would always find ways to make a person satisfied and happy. He has a very strong sense of Determination and punctuality. He's the only type of person who acts very normally." (Fujine)

Gee, I guess I did make everyone worried about me. How tough.

"At least he left something that'll make everyone remember right?" (Giyumi)

"Yes. Thanks to your presence everyone's feelings & hearts were repaired. Especially me. I've lost my one and only man. I don't even know if you even wanted me to be your boyfriend." (Fujine)

Fujine-san gazed up at the sky after he said that. He was my former bro after all. But, is it okay for me to make him my boyfriend? I mean age doesn't matter right? 

As long as......Gah! You have to accept it already! There are no other people to trust but him! Come on Giyumi focus!

"I-I-...I'll do it! I'll be your girlfriend!" (Giyumi)

Fujine-san's eyes widened as he heard what I just said to him.

Then, he started grabbing my right hand with his left hand. His whole hand was covering mine since mine was too small.

"I promise you Giyumi. I'll protect you like your twin brother. I will risk my life no matter the cost is." (Fujine)

I gave him a sparkling expression and tears started running on my face. Then, I started crying and started hugging him. 

While I was crying he was gently rubbing my head. Mihari, Kuruna, and Atsuni saw what we're doing. The three of them smiled.


A Male Who Resurrected and turned into a GirlWhere stories live. Discover now