Chapter 36: The Devil Cat (The Fuchimo's Backstory Part 2)

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After Usagigoke and Usagoke explained the other details about the forgotten one both of us went to sleep. The next day I woke up from my bed. I combed first my hair before heading downstairs and straight to the kitchen.

Oka-san and Otou-san weren't here anymore, they must've gone to work early. I quickly made breakfast while Usagigoke is still fast asleep. I decided to make Beef Udon and Oyakodon since it's her first time eating this sort of dish. I was thinking about walking her around in Tokyo after we eat breakfast. Besides, she isn't yet familiar with all the places yet.

After I made breakfast Usagigoke was standing by the door, rubbing her eyes gently, and afterward she gazed at what I was doing.

"Good Morning Yuzu-chan. What are you making today?" (Usagoke)

After I was done cooking I removed my apron and got off the low wooden stool and smiled with both my hands on my waist.

"Today, you'll be eating this type of food you've never had eaten yet! And I promise you that this will make you hyped." (Yuzu)

Usagigoke's eyes sparkled upon gazing at the food I've prepared. We sat down together and started digging in. Usagigoke held the soup spoon in her right hand and tasted the Oyakodon I made for her. Her eyes sparkled even more and started eating it.

After we ate breakfast I grabbed all the bowls and plates and placed them on the sink and started washing it. After that, I gazed around for a moment to check if the entire kitchen was neat and clean. When everything was tidied up I gently pulled Usagigoke going to the shower room and closed the door.

She was shy at first but when she got in the tub she felt relaxed and played with Usagoke. She giggled after I began cleaning her with soap. I've cleaned myself after cleaning Usagigoke's entire body.

After bathing, we changed clothing. Since Usagigoke's powers are sealed for now she was wearing her normal clothing. As soon as I was done changing I heard my phone vibrate from the table. I picked it up and read the message that was sent by Chiyomi.

To: Yuzu
From: Chiyomi

You got to hurry and take Usagigoke with you. Tohomi, Hiyoko, and I spotted where the Devil Cat is lurking. She's here at the mall buying dresses, skirts, and cologne. That's why you better hurry before she leaves the mall.

Buying things in the mall? Heh. I guess it's my first time hearing out a spirit who has a taste for shopping and stuff. Considering our target's a cat they have sensitive ears and nose. THey're sometimes a bit picky too, no doubt about that.

When I walked out of my room holding my pink sling bag I closed the door and headed first to the living room, since that's where Usagigoke was waiting for me.

"Change of plans Usagi-chan, we're going to go shopping in the mall. Of course, we'll explore first the entire floors before you start picking out what you wanted to buy." (Yuzu)

"Shopping? Oh, that sounds cool! Usagigoke wants to experience that. Well, she never had gone shopping in her entire life so it's all good." (Usagoke)

I nodded in response and both of us went out of the house. Keigumi's vehicle was right in front of us just in time, so Usagigoke and I went in the car after I've opened the door gently. After we've stepped inside and fastened our seatbelts Keigumi started driving.

"I see you've managed to befriend and seal the powers of the Hermit. Now that's settled we'll have to face the other spirit, the Devil Cat. This Spirit is quite interesting. Going shopping, buying food, and different sorts of accessories? No creature would do such things like that. They are people who are full of questions on their head and just creates destruction with no reason at all." (Keigumi)

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