Chapter 9: Student Council Vice President

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"Rock paper scissor shoe! Wahhh I lost." (Giyumi)

It's been 4 days since I got back from school. My popularity is growing back. My place gets crowded every day full of girls and boys. Most especially girls. Because they wanted to try fixing my hair.

Today I'm in a car with Nee-chan. She strangely asked me to play Rock-Paper-Scissors. She told me that if I lose she'll be putting make-up all over my face. But if I win she'll buy me a new Cellphone.

"I win. Ahahahaha." (Honeko)

Turns out that I lost. 

"Fine! Just go easy on me." (Giyumi)

Nee-chan brought out her make-up set and started putting make-up on my face.

After 3 Minutes

"And done! Now you look cuter and pretty at the same time." (Honeko)

When Nee-chan gave me a Mirror I looked at myself. She's right. I do look cuter. 

"Arigato Onee-chan!" (Giyumi)

"Well, your welcome. I hope I hadn't disappointed you too much with your appearance as my former Otouto." (Honeko)

"Pshh! I'm fine. I can't change the way how I look right now. So I have to deal with it." (Giyumi)

"Heh. Looks like you're moving on Imouto. As your Nee-chan I'm very happy for you." (Honeko)

I faintly blushed the moment I heard Nee-chan told me that she admires me no matter how I look and gave me a comforting hug. I smiled and embraced her back.

If I can't deal with my old self anymore then I have to deal with my new self and get back the popularity I had before. I don't know how to put it since I'm already a girl.

"Giyumi-sama. Honeko-sama. We're here." (Ojii-chan)

"Okay then." (Honeko)


When we made it to the School's territory I saw my Nee-chan with an expressionless visage. 

"G-Giyumi. I'm going." (Honeko)

"Alright then. Take care." (Giyumi)

Nee-chan and I separated ways the moment we already entered the school's territory. She went to the Third Year while I went to the first year.

Everyone was very energetic when they gaze at me. Most of them are waving at me. I also waved back of course. Running away just because you've CHANGED doesn't make sense. 

Don't worry. There'll be a time where I'll 'awaken' myself fufufufu~

As soon as I've arrived in the First Year classroom I slowly slide the door open. 

Unaware of my surroundings I stepped on a rake, then it hit my face. Then the ropes from above started entangling my left and right leg separately. Next was my arms. After I've been caught in some sort of 'trap' that was settled in front of the classroom door on the right side the three boys (which are my classmates) entered on the other side of the door.

"Heh. We did it. Now he'll finally --" (Male Student)

"Oopsies." (Male Student 2)

"Dude! It's Kuwanari-chan! Baka. We have to get her down before --" (Male Student 3)

It was too late. When they were going to approach me my other female classmates have arrived along with my friends Kuruna and Mihari.

"A-Ah! Giyumi-chan. W-What happened?" (Kuruna)

A Male Who Resurrected and turned into a GirlWhere stories live. Discover now