Chapter 4: Tears and Drama

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We were all in the car today except for my Nii-chan. Since he had an urgent mission. Tsutsumi was sleeping on my lap. Uwu...she's so cute when she sleeps. I gently rubbed her head while she was sleeping.

"After this conference, you'll be known as Giyumi for life. Is that okay with you?" (Takemoru)

"Anything is fine with me Tou-san *Giggles*" (Giyumi)

Today's the day of the conference. No doubt that there'll be lots of people crowded there. I have to do my best. Yeah! I have to. NO MATTER THE COST. I must get back my popularity and start my new life as Giyumi Kuwanari. The cute, adorable, and popular little sister of Gomei Kuwanari. That'll be my new saying fufu~

When I was going to hug Tsutsumi with my eyes closed I suddenly felt a person's butt.


Nya?? Hold on!

"Oka-san, Otou-san? Did you just see that?" (Honeko)

My Onee-chan shockingly asked. When I opened my eyes I was hugging a little girl. She had a tail and cat ears.

"T-Tsutsumi?" (Giyumi)

"H-huh?" (Tsutsumi)

Yeah, I knew it. This cat can transform into a human being. Strange world we have here hehehe.

"I did. I never thought that would happen." (Takemoru)

"It was unexpected. Someone told before that the cat I picked up was magical. After 5-6 Years something will happen. I guess this was the thing he was talking about." (Tohomi)

When Tsutsumi was in her human form she was wearing a blue skirt with a white polo shirt tucked in her skirt with a blue bow tie and some sort of pure white ball hanged on her hair near her black cat ears. She was only wearing blue striped socks.

"State your actual name." (Tohomi)

"V-Viola Anasaki." (Tsutsumi)

Viola Anasaki. So she had a family. No wonder oka-san called her 'magical'. After a few minutes, we're almost close to our destination. The conference is going to be held at Otou-san's company's main building. 

When I gazed outside I could already see the buildings that are standing around. The Kuwanari Corps. It had been 3 years since the last time I came here. There were only several buildings. But now, there are more. Now this is what you call 'Successful Business'

I wonder where my Nii-chan went. Why wasn't he with us?

"Otou-san. Where's Nii-chan?" (Giyumi)

"He went on an urgent mission. But, he said that he'll do his best to come on time. You miss him don't you?" (Takemoru)

"I do. But, I can wait. Don't worry." (Giyumi)

"After this so-called conference, Nya let's go somewhere to eat." (Viola)

"Of course of course." (Honeko)

Honeko patted Tsutsumi on the head. Viola loudly purred as her head is being rubbed.

"We've arrived. Let's do our best." (Takemoru)

"Nee-chan. You and Tsutsumi. Heads up for any signs of danger." (Giyumi)

"You got it Giyumi-chan." *Thumbs up along with a wink* (Honeko)

*Nods and wags tail* (Tsutsumi)

When I gazed by the car's window dozens of Black Suited people were anticipating us near the building. Not only them but there are also several journalists, reporters, and photographers. This is where my new journey as a girl will begin. 

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