Chapter 21: School Festival Preparation

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The Imperial Knights are formed into 4 Factions:
Protectors of Outland        Union Empire           Fox Nirvana          Heavenly Swarm
Together they are called the 'Empire Alliance'

They've fought side by side together to fight against their foe's which are the demons and their demon lords and defend japan from destruction. 

After a few months had passed 2 factions betrayed the Empire Alliance and they are the Fox Nirvana and Heavenly Swarm. After they've betrayed the 'Empire Alliance' these two enemy factions were known to be the 'Crimson Saga'.

What's the truth behind the betrayal?


It was another peaceful morning as I got up from my bed. Yes, I was able to return to my house after last night's gig. Man, I was on fire with the twins yesterday and I'll make sure I won't forget that.

As usual, I would wash my face in the bathroom and take a bath before eating breakfast.

"Nice going little sister you were totally rocking last night!" (Honeko)

"I agree, you haven't changed the way you strum your guitar." (Tsunoru)

I was in a very good mood after hearing those comments from Onii-Chan and Onee-Chan.

"You three eat quickly you might be late for school." (Tohomi)

"Okay Oka-san." (Honeko/Giyumi/Tsunoru)

After we ate breakfast we got in the car where Hisagi and Himezu were waiting for us and Hisagi drove quickly. After we've arrived at Winter Rose we exited the car.

"I'll see you later Giyumi-sama. Keep rocking on!" (Hisagi)

She showed me a rock sign on her hand before she continued driving.

I separated from my Onee-Chan and Onii-Chan when we entered the school campus. Mihari, Kuruna, and Atsuni were waiting for me.

"Hey, Giyu-chan! Anyways, we have something to discuss." (Mihari)

We went to the corner of the school building and the four of us discussed something.

"Okay, so next phase of the plan is to reunite the entire faction of the Imperial Alliance. We need their help for us to succeed in annihilating this Unknown race." (Mihari)

"We've figured out that our principal is one of them and that's why we're going to talk to her later during snack break." (Atsuni)

"Alright then, let's get back to the classroom then." (Giyumi)

As soon as we headed to the classroom we sat on our chairs and waited until homeroom and began.

While the teacher wasn't yet present everybody was blabbing about last night's gig and they were even talking about me and the twins. Sure I got my popularity back.

Everyone stayed quiet when the teacher entered the room.


When it was snack break the four of us knocked on the principal's office and entered.

"Student Council Vice President Giyumi Kuwanari what brings you here?" (Principal)

Scheherazade Naruse. Age: Unknown. Member of the Fox Nirvana Faction and Principal of Winter Rose Academy. Role: Imperial Knight (2nd Class)

A Male Who Resurrected and turned into a GirlWhere stories live. Discover now