Chapter 49: A Male who Resurrected and turned into a Girl

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It has been years since I've been enjoying my whole life, figuring out who I am, what I'm good at, and who are the people who I treasure the most. Determination, pain, suffering, fear, misery, despair, and hope, the words which have already gone through.

Now, the most hurtful word that I'm about to go through, the 'Truth'.


My surroundings were pitch black and my whole body is being surrounded by fire. What's going on?

"You're about to reach the end of your entire secret. It's time for you to tell others who you truly are." (Gomei Conscience)

"But do not fret. You'll still be able to keep your friends and talent afterward." (Giyumi Conscience)

"But what if something happens? How can I even fix it?" (Jun)

My Male and Female Self-Conscience held hands together and slowly gazed at me with a smile on their faces.

"Don't worry about small things. Sooner or later, you'll notice that there are several people who were worried and cried over your death." (Gomei Conscience)

"Witnessing the tears running from those eyes and crying as loud as a newborn child had existed in this world. All the smiles and friendship that you've gathered. You truly are a person who deserves to be respected and praised." (Giyumi Conscience)

"B-But..." (Jun)

I gazed at them directly and slowly lowered my head.

"Stay Strong myself! Don't let despair take over you. Always remember to stay strong and face whatever lies beyond the path you've chosen." (Giyumi & Gomei Conscience)

"Master? Master? Snap out of it!" (Viola)

I gossiped as my thoughts were back in reality. I rubbed my eyes as I looked around. Oh yeah, I almost forgot that my Spirit friends, my best friends, and the five witches were all ears on me, with worried visage.

"Giyumi-san, are you alright? If you're still too nervous to say it then we'll --" (Mizune)

"NO! If I keep hiding it then no one will understand why I do actions like these or that that's almost similar to what I've been doing in my past life." (Giyumi)

Some of them gossiped in response. I wonder why's that.

"Past Life? Similar Actions?" (Kuruna)

"Then that means --" (Kuruna)

I stood up quickly before Kuu-chan finishes her sentence.

"Yes, I'm Gomei Kuwanari. I'm a Male who Resurrected and turned into a Girl. I did die after that heartache incident. After the Funeral my Oka-san quickly got me out of the coffin and brought me here and resurrected me. The moment I woke up I feel different, it feels like I've shrunk." (Giyumi)

All of them gave a slight gossip and kept listening to me. I crossed my legs, folded my hands, and rested them on top of my lap.

"My Otou-san found a way how to hide my identity as a girl. First, Onii-chan gave me the name 'Giyumi'. Second, Onee-chan was able to edit the videos I already made using magic to change my appearance. Third, but not least, the speech I made at the conference in the Kuwanari Corps was real. But all those tears and drama I made were fake. That's everything I could explain." (Giyumi)

I was about to go back to my bedroom and give up. But then, everybody looked down in sadness and started tearing up one by one.

Then Mihari slowly stood up and sat beside me. I unfolded my legs and hands, and I placed both my hands on my lap while she held my left shoulder.

A Male Who Resurrected and turned into a GirlWhere stories live. Discover now