Chapter 45: Eradication of the Infested

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The School Festival was fun and I can't believe that everybody loved it so much when I performed on stage. I guess singing and playing the guitar is my talent after all.

It was already Saturday and when I opened my eyes Ms.Mizune, was still sleeping without any clothing.

I think I'm starting to get Deja vu in here. The other day I went home and saw Ms.Mizune in the living room holding her tablet and was told by Otou-san to look after us. The next day after that, when I went home, Ms.Mizune was on the couch in the same spot as before holding her tablet. And now, whenever I wake up from my bed I see her not wearing anything underneath her blanket. I think I'm having double Deja vu for today.

Ms.Mizune was still asleep so I got out of my bed quietly and stepped outside of my room. I headed straight to the bathroom and used the toilet.

After that, I headed to the kitchen and wore an apron, as I began making breakfast. Still, what sort of business do Otou-san and Oka-san have in the underworld? Do they also have work in there? If they do it's quite understandable.

I was trying to make a rice omelet this morning. It's been a while since I had eaten this sort of dish, Onee-chan and Onii-chan might love it. Glad I was able to memorize all the recipes for making one.

After a few minutes, I was finished making four Omelette Rice. Then I placed Ketchup on top of it and made a heart-shaped design with it. Since I made this with all my heart. I heard the door upstairs, it looks like I was just right on time to make these. Hopefully, they'll love my cooking.

"Good Morning Imouto. Woah! Is that what I think it is?" (Honeko)

"Mmhmm!" (Giyumi)

"It's been like months since we had this sort of dish! I can't wait to dig in!" (Tsunoru)

I removed my apron and hanged it. I moved the wooden stool going to the sink so I could wash the plates after we all eat.

"Oh yeah! Before we eat, I'll just wake up Ms.Mizune." (Honeko)

"Alright then." (Giyumi)

My Onii-chan and I sat down together and sighed, as we waited for Onee-chan to wake up Ms.Mizune and eat together in here. Hopefully, I don't get anymore Deja vu, because I'm going to go nuts if this keeps up.

After Onee-chan woke up Ms.Mizune both of them went downstairs going to the Dining Room. Afterward, the four of us happily ate together. Onee-chan and Onii-chan were very glad to eat the food that hasn't eaten for two years straight.

After we were all done eating Onee-chan headed to the bathroom to take a shower, while Onii-chan used his Laptop while waiting for Honeko to finish bathing. I was in the Kitchen, washing plates in the sink while Ms. Mizune cleaned the table.

"Since I have no work today, perhaps we could have some fun?" (Mizune)

"What sort of fun? Wait, I'll be inviting my friends over so we could decide what we could do together. Before that...aren't you too mature to be playing games?" (Giyumi)

Ms.Mizune was shocked at my question. Even though she still looks young and cute she's a fully grown adult. When I finished washing the dishes I wiped my hands on a clean towel and sat down beside her.

"Well, that's true...but the truth is, the way I think and overreact is still a bit childish. How will I even convince someone to respect me?" (Mizune)

I patted her back and smiled. Then, I patted her head afterward.

"It's okay Ms.Mizune, you just have to act normal. You need to be more serious about your job so people won't call you childish, including the way you think. Just be like that when you're at home." (Giyumi)

"Alright then. I'll just be deadly serious with work once the boss has returned." (Giyumi)

She kept giggling every time I pat her head. Even though she was older than me Ms.Mizune allowed me to stroke her head gently. After a few minutes, Onee-chan and Onii-chan were about to leave the house.

A Male Who Resurrected and turned into a GirlWhere stories live. Discover now