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"LANI!!" My aunt yelled. I was in the middle of writing an amazing verse, for a feature to a new song that had recently dropped.

"ONE SECOND!" I yelled back, before getting off of my bed, and opening my room to go downstairs. When I reached the last stair, I walked to the kitchen where she was standing. A box was held in her hand, and a huge smile was displayed on her face.

"It's from LaMelo" She smirked.

I rolled my eyes, taking the package and pulling off the clear packing tape.

Once the brown box was free, I opened the flaps on the side, and looked inside.

An Apple iphone box sat delicately in a bed of red tissue paper. My mouth dropped open, and I instantly looked at my Aunt. She smiled at me.

"I can't take this from him!"

"I helped pay for it." She smiled. "You're sixteen now, and I've been setting aside money for a while to buy you this" I quickly set the box down and embraced her in a hug.

"Go call him, and say thank you."

I nodded, and released her from my grasp. "I'll see you tonight, when I get home from work."

"Alright." I kissed her cheek before grabbing the box and running upstairs.

I took the box out of the case, to see that it was the iphone X. It took me thirty minutes to set it up, after turning it on. When I was ready, I called Melo from the number I had memorized.

"Hello?" I his morning voice traveled through the phone. It had been about a week since Melo and I had last talked, and one month since he left.

"Hi" a smile appeared on my face for the millionth time. "Did I wake you up?"

"Yea." He laughed.

"Sorry. It's already 9:30, you needed to wake up anyway."

"Why did you call me?"

I didn't say anything. What did he mean?


"FaceTime me...I wanna see your beautiful face."

"Oh...Okay hold on." I hung up the phone call, and my eyes searched the homescreen for the green FaceTime icon. Once I found it, I called Melo's contact, and he appeared on the screen.

"There we go." He got out of the bed, propping his phone up on his desk.

"I've never seen your room before."

"There's not much to see." He laughed. "I don't have a lot of decoration like you."

I nodded, looking at his shirtless body standing in front of me. This wasn't the first time I talked to Melo on the phone. He usually calls me every night. But I haven't seen him in a month, so my eyes had some catching up to do.


"Sorry. I just called to say thank you.....For the phone."

"No problem. Anything for my bestie."

I rolled my eyes at what he called me.

"So what have you been doing?"

"Writing.." I picked up my journal.

"I'm trying to think of the next verse for this feature."

"What song?"


"Ohhh! that one where the guy is like 'send me your location' or whatever?"

"Yea. That one." I laughed.

NOTHING EVEN MATTERS - LAMELO BALLWhere stories live. Discover now