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"So how do you feel about Chino?" LaMelo looked at me, as we drove to our surprise destination.

"It's a good school. I don't really have any other complaints because it's better than my old school." I chuckled.

It was silent between us, after Melo nodded.

"Where are we going anyway?"

"You'll see when we get there." He laughed.

"We've been driving for thirty minutes!"

"We're almost there, stop whining" He smiled at me, as I rolled my eyes.

"So is tonight the night?"

Melo's face was confused, but then he understood what I meant.

"Tonight is the night." He smiled.

I was beyond ready for Melo to ask me to be his girlfriend.

"But first, I'm going to take you to dinner, and then to the real surprise."

We pulled into an Olive Garden parking lot. Melo, knew this was my favorite restaurant, and it made me smile at how much he paid attention to me.

"C'mon" He got out of the car, and walked to my side, opening the door for me.

I grabbed his hand, interlocking our fingers together as we walked through the parking lot, and to the restaurant. Melo opened the door for me, and I walked in first. His hands rested on my waist as I walked to the receptionist.

"Hello! Welcome to Olive Garden party of two?"

"Yes" I smiled.

"It's about a fifteen minute wait, is that okay?"

I looked at Melo for approval because I don't know what he has planned for tonight.

"That's fine." He smiled, and she nodded.

"Can I have a name for the table?"

"Ball." He stated.

"Okay thank you."

Surprisingly, Olive Garden was packed with people. I couldn't believe the wait time was only fifteen minutes. Melo grabbed my hand, and he took a seat on the waiting booth, with everyone else. Although, there was only room for him. A frown was pulled onto my face, until Melo grabbed my waist, and I sat on his lap. His left hand traced circles on my back, and I played with his fingers on his right hand.

There was no talking between us for the remaining fifteen minutes. Partially because it was loud.

"Ball party of two!"

I got off of his lap, and reached my hand for Melo to grab. I trailed closely behind the waitress, as she held two menus.

"Is this table alright?"


She set the menus down on each side of the table, and Melo pulled my chair out letting me sit down. He then sat in his chair, and the waitress left.

"You alright?"

"Yea, I'm just really happy."

"Why?" He laughed.

"Because I love spending time with you."

"I think I love spending time with you more."

"Naw, that's not possible."

"Um yes it is, because I love you"

My eyes shot up from the menu I was looking at, to see Melo already looking at me.

NOTHING EVEN MATTERS - LAMELO BALLWhere stories live. Discover now