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"So he just left?" Lexi looked at me in amazement.

"He does that." I huffed. "But no...he said he would be back, he just needed to go to LA for the day."

"Do you think he would.....you know?" She referenced towards Melo cheating.

"No. He would never do that to me. No matter the circumstances."

Lexi is one of my best friends. Besides Eddie and Melo, she's the only girl I can talk to about anything. Denise would most likely tell our friends and family my business....but Lexi, would never dare to repeat anything I've told her. We met in rehab almost three years ago, and we instantly clicked. I never talk about her to anyone though....Melo knows about her, but he's never met or seen her. We talked on the phone a couple days ago and I told her about the pregnancy situation. She flew out to Atlanta from Miami to stay with me for the day.

"Okay....tell me the story from the beginning." She took a sip of her soda as we sat on my living room floor. I was laying beside her, staring at the ceiling fan.

"I was feeling sick, like I had to throw up, and when I went to the bathroom, I was blowing chunks....then Melo said he was going to leave and grab me some medicine and juice or something."


"Then I took a pregnancy test that I had under the sink out."

"Why did you even have one?"

"Because Melo and I don't always have sex with a condom, and I want to be prepared for moments like this."

She nodded, in understandment.

"So I took the test, and once the results loaded up....Melo just happened to forget his wallet here, and he walked in the bathroom."

"Where he saw the test?" She put the pieces together.

"Yea." I huffed and closed my eyes in frustration.

"So what happened after that?"

"I handed him the test, and he looked at it...."

I paused not wanting to say the next part.

"I saw the tears forming in his eyes Lexi....he doesn't want this baby. And I don't know if I should keep it or not."

"Ashley! You are not getting rid of the baby. You don't know how Melo is feeling, and you'll never know until you talk to him."

"I tried...He basically ignored me for a week. Until today when he left."


"Because I took the test without him. We promised each other no secrets or lies when we first started dating. And to him this looks like one big secret, and lie."

"So he's mad because you didn't talk to him before taking the test?"

"Yea...but I'm so impulsive! and he knows this!!!" My eyes followed the fan that rotated above me.

"That doesn't mean you shouldn't take his feelings into account."

"I tried to talk to him, and he barely said any words to me. Plus we barely see each other. I have therapy in the mornings, and when I get back home he's usually training, or at the gym. Then when he gets home I'm too scared to start conversation."

"What the fuck are you scared for!?!" She chuckled.

"I don't want Melo to leave me again. And if I say the wrong thing, or anger him, he might walk out."

NOTHING EVEN MATTERS - LAMELO BALLWhere stories live. Discover now