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"Bro she'll be back in a month to visit." Eli patted my shoulder.

"I know...but I don't want her in a month. I want her now."

"How do you think I feel? Lexi went with her too."

"Lani called her?"

"Yea. I guess they're cool now."

"I don't know if I can do this man..."

"Calm down. They'll be fine. How do you think Lani feels when you leave for a travel game?"

"I don't know." I scratched the back of my neck.

"She feels just like this. But she gets through it, until you can come visit."

"I guess you're right."

"I gotta go pick up Don from a doctor's appointment."

"Why what happened?"

"You dislocated his jaw when you punched him on Christmas."

"Oh wow."

"I'll catch you tomorrow bro."

"Alright." I dapped Don up, and he left my house.

It was quiet, and empty for the first time in a long time.

Grace is on vacation to see her son in Canada. She won't be back for about a month, so I have the tonight, to get my life together and prepare myself to take care of two kids alone.

I guess I can start by cleaning the house....I have nothing else to do. Practice was this morning, and I even went to the gym before I came back home to pick up Damien and Bell before dropping them off at my parents house.

I kinda wished I would've kept the kids with me for company, but I'll see them tomorrow. A weekend without the both of them

About two hours went by before I finished cleaning the entire house. I was playing music in my speakers, and trying to keep my mind off of Lani.

I never realized how attached I am to her until now. She left this morning before I woke up, to catch her flight. I'm waiting for her to call me, but that probably won't happen until later tonight.

It's currently 7:00, so I guess I'll make dinner.


The doorbell rang once I entered the kitchen, and I changed my direction. My eye concentrated through the peephole, and I saw both of my brothers, with Denise and Jaden.

I unlocked the tall white double doors, and everyone smiled.

"What are you guys doing here?"

"Lani called me and said you were, we're having a sleepover." Zo smiled, and showed my the backpack in his hands.

"I know you didn't show up to my house with no food." I frowned.

"In-N-Out just for you." Denise held up a bag from my favorite fast food restaurant.

"Who told you?" I took it from her.

"Your wife." She smiled.

I moved out of the doorway and everyone walked inside.

"I see you've added more pictures of my niece and nephew." Gelo looked at the walls with my children's pictures hanging.

"Uh yea...those are my babys." I walked to the couch and took a seat while everyone followed.

NOTHING EVEN MATTERS - LAMELO BALLWhere stories live. Discover now