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POV: Lani

Location: Los Angeles

April 24

"Wake up my love."

"Hmm?" I buried my face into the pillow.

Melo was spooning me, and his waist pressed into my butt causing me to smile.


"Nope..." His right hand slowly slipped into my shorts, and under my panties.

I'm fully awake now.

"Hubby, don't get started with this."

"Alright." He got out of the bed. "I have a day of fun planned. Get ready, the kids are waiting downstairs."

I didn't think he was actually going to stop, but I'm not too worried....I think I'm going to get my spine fractured tonight.

I watched as my shirtless husband walked out of the room and closed the door behind him. I swear his body turns me on so much.

My phone charging on my nightstand had notifications coming from everyone I know. It's only 10:00 am, but I've gotten almost 100 happy birthday messages. I took the time to respond to each of them before I don't have time today. LaMelo hates when I'm on my phone, but usually my argument is that I'm working....

Once I got out of the bed, I started the shower water and got in. I never really get excited for my birthday anymore, but I guess Melo is the only person that makes it special for me. The water was running down my body, and I started to wash my hair. A couple days ago I dyed it blonde again. It probably won't last long, but I really like it for now.



Makayla was now in my bathroom, and she was holding balloons.


"Thank you." I continued to wash my body.

"Get out I wanna hug you."

"Can you wait? I'm almost done-"

She pulled open the glass shower door and stared at me. I swear, she literally doesn't think anything is awkward.

"Awwww, you're belly is starting to show."

"What?" I grabbed a towel off of the rack. "No it's not...there's no way."

"I swear I see a little bump."

"That's my water weight. Thanks for calling me fat."

She rolled her eyes, and I wrapped myself in the white towel before brushing my teeth. Makayla was pretty much talking to herself when I started to do my hair. She was jumping from subject to subject, but I didn't mind her company. I pulled my hair into a mid-high slick bun. I don't feel like wearing a wig, or leaving my curls down. Even though my hair is really short, it doesn't look bad at all.

"Okay, so I was talking to Melo earlier this morning, and he likes this on you."

I was now in my room, going through my drawers to find panties and a bra. Makayla was in my closet for a minute before emerging with a plaid orange and white dress. It was off the shoulder, and pretty loose.

"I was gonna wear some jeans and a t-shirt."

"No. You're 22, at least try sis."

"I've had way too many bad birthdays, to expect this one to be good."

"It's going to be good." She handed me the dress. "Melo and I organized the whole thing."

"I don't believe that."

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