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November 26th

POV: Lani

"Momma get up!!" I felt a small body jump onto mine.

My eyes opened to see Damien laying on me. His smile was wide and I admired his light green eyes.

"We gotta go to grandpa's house."

"Get your dad." I rolled over and closed my eyes.


"Hmmm?" Melo answered.

"We gotta go to grandpa's house." Damien repeated himself.

"First you need get dressed, and wake up your brother and sisters."

The room became quiet, once I felt my son's body lift off of mine, and his footsteps quickly run against the wood.



"You have to get up now."

"No I don't." I mumbled.

Melo walked over to my side of the bed fully dressed. His hair was damp indicating he had just gotten out of the shower. I stared at his tall figure leaning over me, and inspected his outfit. He had on a regular white t-shirt with the SLAM logo on the front. His jeans were black, and he had on original Air Forces.

It was quiet between us while we stared at each other. Melo still hasn't been sleeping with me...although I do miss him. I feel like we've become so distant with each other.

"Adeya's hungry." He turned to walk away.

"Wait." I quickly grabbed his wrist and got out of bed.

His gaze was very intimidating to me. I don't know what to say....

"I- I want you to sleep with me again." He was completely quiet, and showing no expression on his face. "I'm ready."

"You mean it?"


"Because I've waited a long time Lani, and I don't want you to say this if you don't mean it-"

"I do." I cut him off.

For the past month I've been eating, and working out. My body is right where I want it. Although my husband and I have become detached, I want to fix our problems. I want to work on loving him more than I've been treating him. He deserves the world, and I hate that I haven't been giving him the universe.

"Okay." He kissed my forehead. I watched as he walked out of the room without another word.

We haven't exactly been talking since Adeya was born. I don't think he's mad at me, but he's definitely frustrated and confused about me taking the drugs. It makes sense though....I put our daughter is so much danger.

After Melo left, I got ready for the day. We decided on going to Tina and LaVar's house for Thanks Giving because our kids begged us. I don't know how Makayla is going to react when she sees Zo.

I decided to wear a red wig, which only took me about 30 minutes to apply. After, I did my makeup, and got dressed. A red silk flannel was my top choice, and black shorts to go with it. My shoes were Chanel sandals I matched with gold earrings and necklaces to accent everything.

"Hi momma!!" Aliyah ran at my legs after I opened the room door.

"Hi princess."

"I woke baby Deya up." She was smiling wide.

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