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This is going to be very very very short <3

Final Chapter.

POV: Melo

New Years

"Is everybody ready?"


"Damien, do you have to pee?"

"I don't think so." He crossed his legs.

"Go try."

We all listened to his little footsteps run down the hall. Melo opened the front door leading all of my kids to walk outside.

Today, Micah is throwing a New Years party. I'm glad she's finally getting her life back to normal and accepting Ryan's death. It took a toll on all of us because of how sudden it happened.

"What's the plan Bebe?"

"You're taking the kids to your parents house. I'm going on set, and then we'll meet back tonight at Noodz's party."

"Orrr, I can come to the set with you?" I smiled.

"Um...well." Lani scratched the back of her neck nervously. "You can, if you want I guess."

"Dada I done!" Damien ran by me. I chuckled at his excitement to see my parents. I haven't even noticed it's been a while since they visited.

Once we were all outside, I walked my Bebe to her Porsche. "Alright." I grabbed her chin, "I'll see you soon."

She nodded and quickly pecked my lips. I closed the door when she got into the driver's seat, and walked to the G-Wagon. Trey was sitting in the front seat, leaving all of my other kids in the back. Deya is of course sleep, but I don't think that'll last long.

"Daddy, we going with mommy?" Liyah broke the silence.

"Nope. She has to work, so you're going to Momma T's house."

"We can swim?"

"If you want." I chuckled.

"You're picking us up tonight?"

"Do you wanna stay?" I looked at Trey who asked the question.


"Then we'll come get you tomorrow."

He smiled and looked out of the window.

The rest of the ride was predominantly quiet. I played my wife's new album to fill the silence, while focusing on her voice and lyrics. I can't believe I'm married to her, with a house full of kids. Of course I never suspected my life having this many ups and downs, but I wouldn't trade it for anything.

By the time we got to my parent's house, I walked to the front door and rang the doorbell. A couple seconds passed before my dad answered the door.


"Hey Dad." We dapped each other up.

"Y'all spending the night?"

"YES." Bea ran into the house, with the rest of her siblings following.

I was holding Adeya in her car seat before handing her off to LaVar.

"I'll be back later on tonight for Deya."

"Yo-you're bringing Lani right?"

"Uh...I don't know, we're going to Micah's party, and I'm not sure if she'll be drunk."

It's true...I'm not sure. Lani hasn't drunk since before she was pregnant, and I'm sure tonight she would like to let less. Although, I know it's a danger to her sobriety I'll be there the whole time to watch after her and make sure nothing goes wrong.

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