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Five hours and twenty-three minutes.

That's how long my baby girl lived in the hospital.

She passed at 8:17 PM on February 7th. Although, she went peacefully....Lani and I couldn't have asked for a better way to see our daughter's pain end.

I held her in my arms once she flatlined, and Lani stood beside me.

It wasn't as sad as I anticipated. There was nothing we could do to stop, nor prevent this.....I just wanted my baby to be painless, and eventually she was.

We stayed in the hospital for the rest of the night holding her, and saying our prayers. I explained to Damien what was happening...he was sad, but didn't cry. We let him hold her one last time, before the nurses took her.

That was a month ago....and our family hasn't been the same since.



"C'mon Dai!" I called out my son's name and he ran down the stairs with his backpack on.

"Mommy doesn't rush me." He sat on the stairs and started to put on his shoes.

"Mommy isn't here, is she?"


"So we're going to have to do things a little differently since Daddy is." I helped him tie his shoes.

"I don't want to go to school." He frowned.

"Do you wanna be smart?"


"Then you gotta go. I hated school too, don't worry."

I grabbed my car keys and Damien followed me into the garage and out of the house.

"Can we go to uncle Gelo's house?"

"Not tonight Papa." I took his backpack off, and strapped him into his carseat.

Damien didn't say anything after I answered his question. He's been spending a lot of time with my family and Lani's grand parents. Lani and I needed to be alone for a while after Bell passed. The funeral last week wasn't easy on any of us....but my wife and I made it through together.

The ride to school was pretty quiet. Once we got to school, I helped Damien out of the car and walked him to his classroom from the parking lot.

"Mr. Ball!!" A older looking white woman walked over to me. She was wearing a dark blue pant suit, and had on black heels.

I turned around, and she smiled. "Hi...I'm April."


"I heard about the loss of your daughter, and I just want to say I'm so sorry for you."


I turned to walk away.

"If you ever want to's my number." She put her hand out with a white paper card.

"Oh. Naw, I'm good off that." I shook my head.

"I thought you and Kehlani broke up?"

I didn't say anything. She wasn't wrong. But she wasn't right either.

The bell rang, and I looked down at Damien who was holding onto my leg.

"Bye Papa...I'll be back to pick you up."

"I wove you." He kissed my cheek once I crouched down to his level.

"I love you too." He walked into class, and I proceeded to stand up from my lower position.

NOTHING EVEN MATTERS - LAMELO BALLWhere stories live. Discover now