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Okay y'all this is like...a little TOO freaky/Nasty. I'm doin way too much, but um...basically, just enjoy it. LMAO (pls don't judge me- this is just- Chile prepare yourselves....)

Month 3: June 15th

POV: Lani

"Hi Hubby"

"Hey missed me?"

"Of course." I wrapped my arms around LaMelo's waist, and he kissed my forehead. "You're staying?"

"Yes my love."

We stayed quiet, and held onto each other. I listened to his quick heartbeat against my ear, and concentrated on his scent.

"Where are the kids?"

"At your dad's house."

"And Makayla?"

"With your brother."

"And why is that?" He was smirking.

"I had a really bad headache, and I wanted alone time for when you got here."

"So what do you wanna do in this alone time?" He pulled away from our hug, and attached our fingers before making me spin around.

"We can go swimming."

"That's all?"

My heart is beating so fast. Why does he still make me nervous?

"I don't know." I was smiling. "Whatever you want to do...we have the whole weekend."

"Let's do it then mama."

I started to walk upstairs, and Melo followed behind me closely. "When did you dye you're hair back?"

"My roots grew out, and I didn't want the rest of my hair to be a dark blonde color. Ryan came over earlier and helped me."

"I liked it blonde though."

"I know, but Dr. Wilson said all of those chemicals are bad for the baby." I huffed.

We entered the bedroom and I started to get undressed. Melo did the same, while we continued to talk. Although, all I can focus on is his naked body in front of me.

"How have you been feeling?"

"I-I'm fine."

He noticed my stutter, and looked up before pulling his swimming shorts over his lower half.

"It's not nice to stare."

"Sorry." I bit my lip. "It's mine though...isn't it?"


"So I can stare."

"You can do more than that." In a swift motion, I was flipped over Melo's shoulder and he started to walk out of the room. I didn't have my bathing suit on yet, leaving my body completely naked.

"BABE!!" I was giggling so much.


"What are you doing?"

He opened the sliding glass door, making sure to keep Dip inside. "We're going swimming."

"I don't have anything on."

"Well that's perfect." He smiled.

Melo walked towards the staircase leading into the water, and slowly made his way down. Once we were both emerged, he left me off of his shoulder, and I looked around nervously. I swear if I'm on TMZ tomorrow naked, I'm going to be so embarrassed.

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