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I woke up breathing heavy. There were sweat beads running down my forehead. I sat up, and looked around the dark room.

This was my millionth time having a bad dream about doing drugs or overdosing. I took a sip of the water next to me, trying to replenish my energy.

"Mamas?" Melo rolled over, and looked up at me. "You okay?"

I couldn't get my breathing under control. Melo quickly sat up, and pulled me into his arms. I laid on his bare chest, and instantly started to sob.

"I want it so bad." I cried into his chest.

"I know baby...I know." He rubbed my curls.

"My chest hurts with out it." I started to breathe heavy.

" have to resist." He kissed my forehead and laid back, causing me to now lay on his chest.

I listened to his heart beat. It was calming. His left hand gently rubbed my butt.

"Talk to me mama."

I didn't say anything. I felt like there was nothing to say.

"I cant describe the feeling." I mumbled. "There's a burning sensation in my chest, and I feel like I'm missing a piece of me."

He didn't say anything so I looked up to make sure he was still away. Melo stared at me. I was relieved he wasn't asleep.

"Come here." He lead my jaw to his lips. Our mouths connected and the pain from my chest was lifted. I felt like I could breathe again.

"You don't need it." His brown eyes stared into mine. "Your body wants it. But mama, you've come way too far to give in now."

"I know." I sniffled. "I have to go to therapy." I got off of Melo's chest and out of the bed.

"I love you Bebe."

I turned around and looked at him.

"I love you too."

It was about 3:30 now, and therapy started at 4:00. Before I left I threw on some sweatpants and a shirt before grabbing my house and car keys. The apartment was quiet, and everyone was sleeping on the couch, floor, and other rooms.

Denise, Jaden, and Zoey were sleeping on the couch together.

Don and Gelo were sleeping on the floor, and Dmo and Zo were in the guest room. I finally talked to Zo before I went to bed and we both apologized to each other. There was no more hard feelings, or tension between us. I was finally happy with everyone. I just don't understand why I'm still having these dreams.

I left the apartment, and headed to church before anyone was awake.


Lani had just left, and I huffed in frustration. I want to be there for her in times like this, but I understand I can't help like God can.

I decided to go back to sleep, and rest before my game tomorrow night. We're playing against the Denver Wolves for the championship. This is gonna be my last year playing for the Atlanta Hawks. By this summer, I will be in the NBA draft.

The sun peered through Lani's bedroom curtains. I slowly opened my eyes and looked at the clock on her nightstand.

12:38 PM

It was already the afternoon, so I got out of bed, and took a shower. I then brushed my teeth and washed my face before throwing on some sweatpants and a Tour shirt that Lani gave me.

NOTHING EVEN MATTERS - LAMELO BALLWhere stories live. Discover now