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Location: Los Angeles

"Where the fuck is he." I walked into Gelo's house.

"Look Lani, calm down. Let's talk about this."

"Gelo. Where the fuck is he." The tall man continued to stand in my way.

"If I was you, I would get out of her way right now." Melo yawned and sat on the couch.

The two brothers stared at each other until Gelo finally budged. He moved out of the way, and Don stood in front of me next.


"You and me, are not friends. Move."

"I'm not gonna let you walk down that hall and harass my best friend."

"Harass?" My eyes went wide.

"You really don't wanna do this Don." Melo rolled his eyes, still sitting on the couch, now with Gelo beside him.

"I think I do-"

"It's fine." Eli had walked down the hall, and passed by Don. "She deserves to talk to me. Lani I'm sorry-"

"Tell me exactly what happened." I cut to the chase.

"I broke up with her once you and Melo left the wedding. She was smiling, and super happy. I felt so bad to do it, but I didn't wanna wait longer than I had to."

My blood was boiling. Eli was never really my favorite person...but now, there is no type of relationship between us.

"She didn't really question why I ended things, instead she was crying and I drove her home to make sure she got there safely. That night, I started drinking and I realized I just ruined the worst thing that had ever happened to me. So Don suggested-"

My eyes snapped towards Don who was sitting on the couch, and he started to panic.

"Um no! Don't bring me into this."

"He said I should buy her something, or preform a grand gesture."

"And you bought her drugs." I bit down on my jaw.

He nodded his head, and I paced around the living room while everyone stared at me.

"What did you get?"

"Fentanyl and Ethanol."

My eyes went wide and I looked up at Eli.


"Wait, I'm confused." Gelo interjected the conversation. "What type of drugs are those? I've never heard of them."

I was about to start crying, and Melo could tell. "Mama, if this is too much, we can come back later and talk to Eli alone."

I was so angry at the man standing in front of me. He didn't even seem remorseful.

"Fentanyl is a narcotic." I ignored my husband.

"English Lani." Dmo was confused just like everyone else.

"It's a sever pain killer."

"And Ethanol?" Zo looked at me.

"It's a depressant that affects the central nervous system."

"Yea well she mixed them while I was rolling a blunt off to the side." Eli huffed.

"Why would you do that? Why would you bring her drugs when you know she's an addict?"

"I- I don't know...I wasn't thinking clearly."

NOTHING EVEN MATTERS - LAMELO BALLWhere stories live. Discover now