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I put this shit out as fast as I could, please ignore all the mistakes. <3

POV: Lani

"No you can't miss school."

"Go put something else onnnnnn."

"Trey. I'm literally wearing jeans and a shirt. Don't push it."


I took a deep breath while trying to control my temper. Trey has been asking me to change for the past five minutes, and now it's starting to get on my nerves.

"Bebe, are you ready?"

"Yea we're waiting for you."

Melo was now downstairs wearing black Nike shorts and a purple Lakers shirt. It didn't match at all, but I decided not to press the subject. I'm so irritated today because these kids are driving me crazy.

"Let's go."

"Can you tell mom to change please?" Trey rolled his eyes.

"Why? She's fine."

"Yea. I'm fine." I defended myself.

"Oh my gosh."

It was quiet while we all got into the car. Adeya is still sleep which is good because if I leave the room, and she sees me, there's endless crying until I hold her in my arms. Makayla agreed to stay here and babysit for the day while Melo and I are at the schools. Our plan is to talk to Aliyah and Damien's class first before going to the high school and doing the same for Trey. I'm not sure he wants me to come though....

"Momma, you and daddy have to kiss."

"Why?" I was in the passenger seat while Melo drove. All of our kids were in the back seat, and for once Deya's carseat was empty. I haven't let her leave my sight, but now I'm starting to regret the decision. What if-

"Because my fwiends don't believe you're married."

"Then tell your friends we are...I don't think it's appropriate for us to kiss in front of everyone."

"You kiss in front of us."

"Look Dai, I might take it too far." Melo interjected. "Mommy doesn't kiss me anymore, so If we do it now, I'm going to do way more than that."

"Okay, you can hug her too."

"He's not talking about hugging." Trey rolled his eyes. "You two are nasty."

"Umm, I know you're not talking. You act like we can't hear you and Jamie."

My son's face became a light shade of red, and he looked out of the window.

"And what's this is hear about a tattoo?"

"DAMIEN!" Trey smacked his little brother's arm.


"Don't get mad at him!" I shouted. "Why are you even keeping secrets?"

"I didn't think you were gonna let me."

"Well I'd rather talk about it first. But now it's on your skin what did you get?"

It was quiet and I turned around from my seat to look at Trey's wrist. There was the Tsunami and MB1 symbol. It was small but still noticeable.

I couldn't even be mad....although I wonder why he wouldn't have told us earlier. When did he even have time to do it?

"Do you like it?"

"I do-"

"Because dad likes it."

"So Melo, you did know?"

NOTHING EVEN MATTERS - LAMELO BALLWhere stories live. Discover now