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June 13 : NBA Finals


"How are you feeling."

"A little nervous."

"You're never nervous."

"I know but I miss you."

I paused and waited to answer. "I miss you too."

"Lani I can't wait to see you next month."

"Yes you can. We need to think about this relationship before we get married."


"I gotta go Melo."

He huffed and there was silence between us.

"I love you."

"I love you too." I hung up.

Melo and I haven't really talked about everything that happened last month. I just need time to think about what's going on.

"Damn Lani give him a break."

"You think I'm overreacting?" I looked at Ryan.

"No. But I don't think you're being rational...You and I both know Melo would never fuck with another girl."

"Yea." I mumbled.

"So if he says they were just talking...then they were just talking."

"I believe him 100%....It bothers me that he thinks I'm ever too busy for him. There's no one in the world I'd rather have a conversation with."

"Then tell him that instead of making this difficult."

"I'm not trying to make this difficult. But he knew Grace was fuckin with him ever since I left. He should've known she wasn't just being 'friendly'."

"Lani." Jamal looked at me. "This is how guys are. We're pretty stupid, and the impulsive decisions we make aren't meant to hurt anyone. In all honesty Melo just needed a friend, and Grace just happened to be the most convenient one."

"So I just let it go?" I frowned.

"No." Ryan chuckled. "Call him after the game and talk. Tell him how you feel so he can do better."

"Alright." I bit on my lip.

We were all in the studio watching Melo's game on the flat screen TV.

"I'm back!!" Lexi walked through the door holding Wing-Stop bags.

"It's about to start." Ryan informed her.

She sat on the chair beside me, and we all started to eat.

"Good evening LaMelo." A reporter pulled him to the side during warm-ups.

"What's good." He leaned down to the short lady.

"What is your game strategy tonight against the Milwaukee Bucks."

"Uhh just to stay focused."

"What about your girlfriend Kehlani....we don't see her here tonight."

LaMelo hates when they ask questions about me. I understand his frustration too. This is the NBA, you should be asking basketball related questions....not about me.

He frowned and looked into the camera. "She's on tour right now, so she couldn't be here tonight...but I love you Bebe."

"Do you think her absence is going to affect the way you play tonight."

NOTHING EVEN MATTERS - LAMELO BALLWhere stories live. Discover now