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July 1: The Wedding (:



"Wake up Melo." Someone nudged my shoulder. I opened my eyes to see Zo walking around my bedroom.

When I looked at the clock beside me, it read 4:35 AM.

"It's so early."

"I know, but you have to be at the venue by 5:30 with Ryan to go over plans."

"Alright." Once I had fully awaken I grabbed my phone to send Lani her 'good morning' text, and check what she tagged me in on Instagram.

My baby

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My baby

"C'mon Melo!!" Don pulled me out of the bed. "You'll see her in a couple hours."

"Fuck a couple hours, I wanna see her right now."

"Just get ready." He walked out of my room after dragging me to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and washed my face before getting in the shower, and scrubbing my body clean. When I was done, I shaved the unnecessary hair around my face, leaving me bare. I brushed my waves, and applied Cantu conditioner before placing on a red durag. Last night I got my eyebrow slits and hair cut. I wouldn't be exaggerating if I told you I look fresh. By the time I was done with everything it was already 5:00. I grabbed some boxers and sweatpants and one of Lani's tour shirts before heading to Damien's room. At the end of the month Lani sent him back to get ready for the wedding with me.

"Hi papa." I turned on the light.

He was perfectly asleep in his race car bed.

I came to the conclusion that I don't want him to wake up this early right now, or he'll be asleep once the wedding starts. I picked up his body and laid him on my shoulder.

Once I walked downstairs, I saw everyone waiting for me at the kitchen table.

"Took you long enough." Eli yawned.

"Shhh. He has Damien." Don slapped his shoulder.

"Don't worry he can sleep through anything." I grabbed my house keys off the counter, and slipped my feet into my Gucci slides.

"Let's go." Lonzo walked out the front door and we all followed.

Damien, Gelo, Lonzo, and I were going to take one car, and Don, Eli, Eddie, and Jackson were going to take another car.

"Are you ready?"

"For what?" I was sitting in the backseat with my son while Zo drove, and Gelo sat in the passenger seat of Lonzo's car.

"To get married dumbass."

"Oh yea. I've been waiting for almost a year."

"You never proposed to Lani technically you're not engaged."

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