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October: Court Day

"And who are you accompanied with Mrs. Ball?" The judge looked at me.

"Lucinda Breech, and Leylah Markson."

"Where is your husband?" She lowered the glasses from the bridge of her nose.

"In a prolonged coma."

"And may I ask what happened to him?"

"Lucas Castillo shot him in the rib cage, causing the bullet to enter his lung."

She looked over to the other stand across from me. Shaina and Lucas were sitting there in fear.

"Have charges been pressed?"

"No. I'm afraid not." I mumbled.

"LaMelo has to make a statement and sign attempted murder accusations. In order for him to be taken into custody." Lucinda informed her.

The judge nodded, and went through the paper work. "I would like to speak to Mrs. Castillo on the stand please."

Shaina stood up and straightened out her dress. The sound of her heels hit the floor as she walked to the wooden outlined section, with a matching chair in the middle.

"I would like to start with some questions. I want to get a better visual on your story."

My ex-girlfriend nodded and looked at me. I instantly disconnected the eye contact, and focused my attention on the judge.

"What is your relation to Mrs. Ball?"

"Uh, she was my ex-girlfriend."

"How long has it been since you've seen her?"

"Between six and seven years."

"Your lawyer has informed me you ended things with Kehlani to be with Lucas. Is that correct?"

"Yes ma'am."

"I've also been confronted with Lucas' crime charges....I will now read them off. In 2015 he was convicted with attempted murder with a firearm, and the selling of narcotics in 2019....He has been to jail twice. Are you aware of that?"

"I am."

"Your records were also presented to me. In 2017, you were convicted of armed robbery with the use of a fire arm, and assault of a deadly weapon."

Shaina didn't say anything. I could see her sweating and the pale color on her face gave me the impression she was going to vomit.

"Why are you and your husband here today Mrs. Castillo? Because just from these records, you're not considered very safe to society, and definitely not children."

"I came to get my kids back. My probation is almost over, and I haven't committed a crime since that robbery."

"That's because you've been in jail." The judge stared at her, and Shaina gulped.

"Me and my husband think we're worthy enough for a second chance. My lawyer Maxine has informed me that I can retrial for Damien, and have the opportunity to adopt my daughter....if you had a second chance to make things right wouldn't you?"

"I would.....what is your income like?"

"Um, right now I'm working full time with double shifts at Dollar Tree."

"Double shifts huh? If you have two children in your life, you can not work double shifts. You have to be a mother. Where does Mr. Castillo work?"

"He's unemployed."

NOTHING EVEN MATTERS - LAMELO BALLWhere stories live. Discover now