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POV: Lani

Location: Oakland, CA

April 21

"COMING!!" Reyna ran down the hall to open the door. There was a slight knock, causing my stomach to churn. My brother awaited outside the apartment, and his girlfriend to his right. She was wearing heels, and a really short skirt. Her shirt was a tub-top, and large hoops hung from her ears. They were silver, and so big they touched her shoulder.

"Hey!" She had an accent. Sounds like New York. "I'm Mari!" She stepped inside and pushed past my older sister.

"Hi." I was kinda confused on why she's so peppy. I was really uncomfortable when she hugged me. Since I've been off my meds, hugging people or touch, doesn't bother me as much, but it's still uncomfortable.

"Oh my gosh! The way everybody described you....I thought you would be prettier! But it's okay, I guess Jamari got all the good genes."

"Watch yourself." I frowned.

"So. Where's the rest of the family?"

"Don't worry about it." Makayla grabbed her arm, pulling her towards the couch where Damien and Aliyah were watching TV.

"Hey lil sis." Jamari pulled me into a hug. Although, his was comfortable. I felt safe....

"Um, it's big sis to you."

"I know, I'm just messin with you been?"

"Pretty good, I can't complain. How about you?"

"Senior year of high school....pretty soon Imma be moving out to LA with you."

"Maybe I'll get you a place downtown. It can be your graduation present."

"FOR REAL?" His eyes went wide and I chuckled.

"I wanna see your grades. Only if you maintain A's and B's."

"Bet." He smiled widely.

"We're moving to LA!!!!" Mari stood up from the couch screaming.

My brother rolled his eyes and started to scratch the back of his neck. I guess he doesn't really like her either....or maybe she's just being annoying right now.

"Mama, I don't know which shirt." Melo approached us from down the hall. His upper half was bare, leaving his toned chest, and tattoos to show. His hands held two different shirts. One was my new tour shirt, that Kayla designed and the other had Lexi's RIP design on the front.

"Oh- Um hey." He quickly put on Lexi's shirt because everyone was staring at him.

"What's up LaMelo!" My brother dapped him up.

"Hello....Melo." Jamari's girlfriend was now walking towards my husband. "You don't have to put your shirt on. I liked you better without it."

Everyone was laughing at her dumbness. Hubby was more an uncomfortable which caused him to look at me.

"Chill, I'm married."

"And I have a boyfriend." She continued to walk towards him. "My name is Mari...we haven't met."

"Let's keep it that way." He turned around and walked back down the hall.

"So, who is he 'married' too?"

"Kehlani." Reyna smirked.

Mari looked at me and narrowed her eyes. "How'd you bag him?"

"Girl- Get away from me." I pushed past her.

NOTHING EVEN MATTERS - LAMELO BALLWhere stories live. Discover now