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"Bye Court!" I yelled, walking towards my apartment door.

"BABE!!" She yelled, running down the hall in her bra and panties.

I smiled at the sight of her body.

Her hands grabbed my face, and she kissed my cheek.

"What time are you coming home?"

"I don't know." I laughed. "I'll call you okay?"

"Okay." She smiled. "Does she know?"

"No." I bit my lip.

"Oh..." Courtney mumbled.

"It'll be fine. She'll probably want to meet you." I reassured her, walking to the door.

"Drive safe."

"Okay baby." I chuckled and left the apartment.

Today Lani's coming home. I talked to Eddie, and he said I could go pick her up. I haven't seen my best friend in six months when I visited her in Brazil. I talk to her almost everyday on FaceTime, so at least I get that opportunity. The one thing she doesn't know is that I'm dating Courtney. I haven't figured out how to tell her. Once I was in my BMW, and heading to the airport Eddie called me.


"Have you left to pick up Lani yet?"

"Mhmm. I just got in the car."

"Okay well she's been wanting to tell you something. I don't know what it is, but just brace yourself. Ryan said he's been reminding her to take her meds, but you know how that goes."

"Alright. Thank you."

I hung up the phone and continued to drive. The ride to the airport was about an hour. I definitely had to adjust from living next to LAX.

When I arrived in the car pick-up line, I waited patiently for Lani, her plane hasn't landed yet, so I turned on the radio, and scrolled through my instagram to keep myself occupied.



My plane just landed, and I hurried off to baggage claim as quickly as I could. Eddie told me that Melo is gonna pick me up, and I'm more excited than ever. Once I found my suitcase, I walked to the pick-up car line outside. There were lines of cars displayed in front of me, but Melo's grey BMW caught my eye.

I walked over to it, and knocked on the passenger window, causing my best friend's attention to focus on me. His eyes became wide, and he quickly got out of the car.

"LANI!" He pulled me into a hug.

My body virtually melted in his arms. I can smell the cologne that is lightly lingering on his shirt. His muscles were way more defined, and his brown hair was now grown out and curly. He had a small amount of facial hair, and his height was unbelievable. He has to be at least 6'7.

"Hi Melo." I mumbled into his chest.

He didn't say anything. I could feel his hand rubbing my back, and his heart beating faster. I closed my eyes, listening to the organ beat in my ear.

NOTHING EVEN MATTERS - LAMELO BALLWhere stories live. Discover now