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"HEY PRINCESS!!" My Grandpa yelled out as he opened the door and engulfed me into a hug.

"Hi papa" I hugged him back.

Melo was standing on my right, and my papa looked at him once I released from the hug.

"Hello Mr.Parrish, I'm LaMelo Ball, your granddaughter's friend." He shook his hand.

"Well hello LaMelo...C'mon in!" He moved to the side, letting us both walk through the doorway, and into the house. Melo carried my suitcase, and all of my bags with him.

"Where's Grammy?" I questioned.

"Oh she ran to the store. You know where your room is though....right?"

"Of course." I smiled at the thought of it. Melo followed me as I walked down the hall, and to my room. The white wooden door still had stickers attached to it, and the walls were still a light pink.

"So this is where you spent your summers?"

"Yup...This is where I wrote all of my first songs." I smiled looking around the room.

Melo set my bags down, and we eventually made our way back to the living room.

My grandpa was sitting on the couch reading the news paper.

"So Melo..." He took the glasses off of his face.

"Yes sir?" Melo sat in the couch across from him.

"You're taking care of my Lani right?"

"As much as I can" Melo smiled.

My grandpa nodded. "How's your Auntie?"

"She's fine." I let out a small smile. "When I can afford it, I'm gonna get her out of there."

"I'm sure you will....Lani is always dreaming big." Grandpa looked at Melo. "She never settles."

"I know sir." He smiled at me. "She's pretty much the best thing that's happened to me"

Nobody said anything. My grandpa was laughing, and Melo and I were sort of confused.

"Well....I've gotta get ready for practice." Melo stood up from the couch. He shook Papa's hand, and I walked him to the door.

"I'll call you tonight yea?"

"Yea" I smiled.

Melo kissed my cheek, and turned around walking out of the door. My light skinned face displayed a red expression, from the excitement I had just endured.

When I locked the door behind Melo, I walked back to the living room.

"He's in love with you"

"Love is a strong word Papa." I laughed.

"I've been walking this earth for 64 years baby....I know love when I see it, and that boy sure is in love with you."

"I don't know about that."

"Well I do-"

"LANI!!!" My grammy walked through the front door quickly pulling me into a hug. I took in her scent of cinnamon, and hugged back.

"Who's the hottie outside?" She questioned once we pulled away from the hug.

"Lani's boyfriend."

"Oooo you've been out here for a day, and already got a boyfriend?"

"No Grammy...he's just a friend." I laughed.

"Your best friend." Papa interjected.

I rolled my eyes and walked to the kitchen to see all of the grocery bags on the table.

NOTHING EVEN MATTERS - LAMELO BALLWhere stories live. Discover now