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Location: Ball Estates

August 25th

"So what happened?" Zo sat on the couch.

I looked at my wife who is going to explain the whole story. She decided we should tell everyone about Damien and Aliyah's biological parents.

"Damien and Aliyah's parents have reached out."

"They're trying to contact you guys?" My dad's eyes went wide.

"They already did." I chuckled. "Lucas decided to leave a note on the porch a couple days ago."

"Who's Lucas?" Gelo was completely confused.

"The biological father." Tina rolled her eyes at his stupidity.

"He used to live in Oakland selling drugs." Lani continued with her story. "He was also the leader of a very serious gang."

"Did you two personally know each other?" Noni seemed scared for Lani's answer.

"Yea. I bought drugs from him."

"So how does this tie into them wanting to contact you?" Gelo was still confused.

"His wife is my ex-girlfriend." She blurted out. The whole car ride I was trying to convince Lani to tell everyone about her relationship with this woman.

There was a pause and my family went quiet. Lani seemed really unsure about their reactions.

"You're gay?" Jaden's eyes went wide.

"Bisexual." I corrected her and everyone looked at me. I don't care what anyone thinks about my Bebe...I want her to be confident in who she is.

"So your ex-girlfriend started dating your drug dealer?" Gelo put everything together.

"Yea." Lani huffed and rubbed the back of her neck.

"Well, are you guys going to meet them?" My dad was sitting on the edge of the couch seat.

"They're coming over soon to talk." I mumbled.

"Well, I want my grand babies to stay here. They shouldn't be there when you see Lucas." My mom was dead serious.

"Yea. That's fine." Lani got up from the couch and walked outside.

"Could you guys please be took a lot for her to talk about being bisexual."

"I'm cool with it." Zo smiled.

"Does it mean you can have threesomes Melo?" Gelo was chuckling, and Jaden hit his shoulder.

"You know we wouldn't judge Lani." Noni smiled, and everyone agreed.

"Go take care of your girl Melo....and call us after you meet Lucas."

"Yea alright." I got up and walked outside. Lani was sitting on the porch looking at the sunset.

"C'mon mamas."

She got up and sat in passenger seat with out saying anything.

"You wanna talk about it?"

"This is embarrassing LaMelo." She huffed. "People look at me like I'm disgusting."

"No they don't." I rolled my eyes.

"I told you I didn't want to tell your family."

"But how much better do you feel?"

NOTHING EVEN MATTERS - LAMELO BALLWhere stories live. Discover now