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"Alright so we can do a mix, and combine the fourth note...with the seventh. I need an undertone." I told Jamal everything I wanted him to do for my song we were editing.

The studio door opened, and Melo walked in.

"Hi Bubba." I stood up from the chair.

"Hey Princess." His arms wrapped around my waist and his hands rested on my butt.

"Where are my kids?"

"I'm not bringing them here." He chuckled. "You got blunts and alcohol everywhere."

"I would've cleaned it up if you told me."

"Just let me spend time with you." He bent down and kissed my lips.

"Melo, guess who's almost finished with her first single since the album release!!" Ryan smiled.

"My Bebe. Lemme hear it."

"It's not done." I pulled Melo towards the couch to sit down.

"I still wanna hear it."

Jamal started to play everything I already had recorded. Melo was tapping his foot to the beat, and nodding his head.

"I still need another feature. A guy's point of view."

"A guy's? Or mine?" He smiled.

"Yours." I sat on my husband's lap and handed him my journal.

I watched as he read my lyrics and frowned.

"Damn mama, what you tryna tell me?"

"The lyrics are about how many times we've left each other for our careers or traveling, and when you went in the coma."

"So you're saying things between us will never change?"

I nodded my head and smiled.

"Jamal, lemme hear that beat one more time?"

My producer nodded and started the beat over again.

Melo was writing pretty fast, and I watched as his pen glided on the paper. I hated to ask him for help, because he doesn't think his lyrics are good...but I love them.

"Lani, Arin said he can come today. If that's fine with you?" Ryan was on the phone.

"Yea, of course."

"She said that's fine. We'll have you record in studio 22 with us."

The beat was playing and we all watched Melo in admiration. He was humming to himself, and I smiled. I swear the love I have for him is so unreal.

"Maybe like, the end should be a paused section, and then after each note the lyric will be said." Melo handed me the journal and I read what he had put. He was finished in a couple of minutes which made me question his lyrics, but I continued to read through them.

"So like, I. Might. Go. Insane." I said each word separately, and placed periods in Melo's absent spots.

"Yea. That's perfect."

I stood up from Melo's embrace around my waist and walked to the studio editing section. Jamal and I perfected the beat while Ryan made more business calls. My husband was sitting on the couch, on his phone.

"Hello?" Someone knocked on the door.

"ARIN!!" Ryan hung up his phone call and pulled the man into a hug. "This is Jamal, and Lani." He introduced us and we shook hands. "And Lani's husband LaMelo."

NOTHING EVEN MATTERS - LAMELO BALLWhere stories live. Discover now