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Y'all literally this entire chapter is about sex. You already know it's freaky/nasty soooo get ready🥱


January 23


"Can you watch them for the whole weekend?"

"Of course son." My mom had opened her front door for me.

"Alright, give me kisses." I leaned down to Aliyah and she pecked my lips.

"Bye daddy!"

"You and mommy are going to come back soon?" Damien looked sad.


My son gave me a hug and I kissed his cheek before both of my kids ran in the house.

"Drive safe. I love you."

"Love you too mom." I had walked off the porch and gotten into my BMW on the driveway.

Today Lani is coming home. She left to go back on tour the day after Christmas which really sucked. I didn't want her to leave knowing that Grace is still missing. Apparently there's a wide investigation looking for her because she injured multiple people.

Once I got back home, the sun had already gone down and it was dark. Dip was outside in the backyard sleeping. I was going to bother him for some company, but I should probably take a shower and get ready for bed.

My shorts dropped and I took off my boxers before taking off my shirt and stepping into the hot water. Lately Basketball has really been wearing me out. I practice everyday and I have game every other day. I have a passion for this sport like nothing else in my life, but sometimes I just want to spend time with Lani, and take my kids traveling around the world with us. Maybe this summer.....

"MELO!!!" I heard footsteps running up the stairs.

I didn't say anything. Was it Lani?




She was now standing in the bathroom and I smiled. She wasn't wearing a wig, but her natural black curly hair. She had no makeup on, but her skin still looked flawless.

"I'm ovulating." Her smile was wide and she quickly started to take off her clothes.

"And that means?"

"You need to put a baby inside of me."

Her hand pulled on the glass shower door, and she stepped in behind me. I turned around to see my beautiful wife and her bare body.

"Oh yea?"

"Mmhm." Her lips sat in between her teeth.

"Come here then."


I grabbed her jaw and we kissed slowly. It felt amazing to see her right now, and even better for me to feel her.

In a quick moment, I picked her up and her legs wrapped around my torso. Lani's back rested on the marble tile wall, and our lips continued to fight for dominance.

"I want you so bad." She kissed my ear and neck.

"How bad? What are you willing to do?"

"Anything." Her chest was moving heavy.

NOTHING EVEN MATTERS - LAMELO BALLWhere stories live. Discover now